Duckduckgo 100m Jan. August 2bcimpanuzdnet: The more people who use the search engine, the bigger the better! The number of searches increased exponentially this year and they are continuing to increase each month. If you’re looking for a new, less intrusive way to search, get started with DuckDuckGo today!
Since its launch in 2008, DuckDuckGo has seen a steady rise in popularity by gaining market share from Google. This week alone…
- – DDD surpassed 100M daily search queries for the first time on Jan. 11;
- – DDD saw a 3.2% increase in search queries over January 2018;
- – DDD has seen an average of over 2B search queries per month since August, and
- – DuckDuckGo is seeing a slight increase in search referrals from Google.
DuckDuckGo has grown exponentially since its debut to the top five most popular search engines in the world. The latest data shows that the number of daily searches reached over 100M for the first time this week..**
DuckDuckGo is still growing at a rapid pace and sees over 2B search queries per month nowadays. That’s an increase of about 3% each month since August. Since August, DuckDuckGo has also seen an average of over 2B searches per month every month.
During this week alone, DDD witnessed a 3.2% increase in search queries when compared to last week. In January 2018, the number of daily searches increased by only 0.1%.
The number of searches on DuckDuckGo is still growing at a fast rate. January was the first month in two years that the search engine saw over 2B search queries during the month. In December, the search engine added over 2B searches every day to their monthly total. In August, the search engine saw over 1B searches every day and surpassed 100M in daily searches.
While it may seem like Google has the edge having a market share that is close to 80%, DuckDuckGo, which is the number one alternative to Google, continues to grow at a rapid pace. In fact, DuckDuckGo surpassed 100M daily searches for the first time this week and started seeing over 2B search queries per month since August.
The growth of DuckDuckGo is incredible. In the past couple of years, the search engine has seen an average increase of over 2B searches per month by now. For example, in August, the search engine saw over 1B searches every day. Since August, DuckDuckGo exceeds 100M daily searches on average each month and it increased by 3% this week alone.
In January 2018, DuckDuckGo saw an increase of only 0.1% when compared to January 2017. January was the second month in a row that DuckDuckGo saw no increase in search queries this year. In fact, last year, the search engine experienced a small decrease in searches and saw approximately 1.5B searches per month in December 2017.
January witnessed over 2B searches being performed on DuckDuckGo each day and also saw over 2B searches per month since Duckduckgo 100m Jan. August 2bcimpanuzdnet.
DuckDuckGo is still growing at a rapid pace. The number of searches per day on the search engine grew by 3% this week alone. In January 2018, DuckDuckGo saw an increase of only 0.1% compared to December 2017. This was the second month in a row that they saw no increase in search queries this year.
Every month, DuckDuckGo exceeds 100M daily searches and has done so since August when it surpassed 1B searches per day.