Research has shown that drinking about ten glasses of water daily for 30 days can change the thickness and density of your skin. Another study from Colombia shows that just two cups of water a day can increase blood circulation in the skin. If your skin looks terrible at the moment, maybe it’s time to start drinking pure water? Cosmetologists have named the main benefits of filtered water for the beauty and youth of your face.
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Reasons to drink more clean filtered water every day
Within ten minutes after drinking a glass of water, blood circulation and metabolic processes improve in the skin, cells are saturated with oxygen, and protective functions are enhanced. This internal revitalizing effect is noticeable in the long term – the skin looks healthy, fresh, and youthful.
- It improves complexion. Drinking enough water will speed up detoxification. The body quickly gets rid of toxins that make the skin dull and earthy. Even two glasses a day can increase blood flow, improve complexion, and even out tone.
- It slows down the aging process and prolongs youth. The skin remains supple with good hydration. In drought conditions, there is a sagging of the epidermis, the appearance of creases, fine lines, a network of wrinkles. The greater the moisture deficit, the more it looks like a dried apricot.
- Water speeds up healing. If you get sunburn after a long stay at the beach, drinking water will speed up the healing process and tissue regeneration.
- Water reduces swelling. Many women believe that high fluid intake leads to swelling. The skin retains moisture to protect you from dehydration. Puffiness occurs when you don’t drink enough fluids. Maintaining proper hydration will reduce facial swelling.
- Water prevents acne breakouts. The more you drink, the better the balance of water and fat in your epidermis. Drink more cups of water a day to avoid overactive sebaceous glands. Research shows that deeply moisturizing your skin will make it look cleaner and free from breakouts.
- It supports gut health for clear skin. Water promotes healthy bowel function, which actively removes toxins from the body. When the toxins are not retained in the body, the face looks healthy, beautiful, and radiant.
How much water should you drink to keep your skin glowing?
Experts recommend drinking 2.7 liters of water daily for women and 3.7 liters for men. This dose includes fruits and vegetables with high water content and any other drinks – compotes, juices, teas. Studies have shown that this portion of the liquid keeps the skin supple and hydrated, so it does not flake or suffer from dryness. However, if you are active in sports, sweat a lot, or live in hot climates, the recommended dose should be increased. If you do not know how much water to drink, stick to the following rule: every 25 kg of body weight should be one liter of water per day.
What kind of water is good for your skin?
An excellent solution for your skin is water with a pH balance of 6.5 to 8.5, provided by the water filter (For comparison, regular bottled water has a pH of 6.5-7.5). If ordinary water seems too tasteless to you, add an exceptional taste with vegetables, fruits, or herbs. For example, a rosemary, grapefruit, and ginger mixture will make a fresh drink with spicy notes. Combine lemon, strawberry, and basil for a crisp, fruity smoothie. A drink made from ginger, lemon, and cucumber will have a unique taste. It perfectly refreshes and tones up in the summer heat. You can also make lemon, cucumber, ginger cocktails.
Benefits of water purification with aqua water filter
To get the most out of water for your face and body, you need to care about its quality. Theoretically, you can buy bottled water, but it is cheaper and more convenient to use the aqua water filter. The water passes through a filter and is purified using ion-exchange resin or activated carbon. Resin reduces hardness and prevents limescale build-up. Activated carbon absorbs harmful substances: toxins, chlorine, lead, aluminum, oil products. Provides perfect transparency, removes foreign odors. Additionally, the cartridge performs the function of a sieve and retains silt, sand, and rust, which is especially important in country houses where there is no central water supply.
Final word
Water is a universally available product with numerous valuable properties. It slows down the aging process, maintains cleanliness, smoothness, and youthfulness of the skin. Drink the correct amount of pure water every day, and you will make a massive contribution to your health and beauty.