Internal medicine is a specialty that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in adults. It is a branch of medicine that covers a broad range of health conditions that affect the internal organs of our body such as the kidneys, lungs, heart, brain, gastrointestinal tract, liver, spinal column, muscles, nerves, urinary tract, and joints. Sometimes a disease affects only a specific organ, but when a person is suffering from common diseases like high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, cancer, and diabetes, many internal organs of the body end up becoming affected and the root cause of the disease becomes clouded. That is where an internist comes in.
A doctor who specializes in the field of internal medicine is called an internist or an internal medicine physician. An internist is a trained professional who manages and recognizes a wide range of diseases by using their scientific knowledge and clinical expertise. They mainly practice at hospitals where they supervise and look after patients during their illness. The skill and knowledge of an internist are not only valuable for the patients but also for other medical professionals. An extremely skilled and highly qualified doctor who has made numerous contributions to the branch of internal medicine is Dr. Nathan Boles. He was born in Biloxi, Mississippi, United States in 1977. He specializes in the field of internal medicine and is a third-generation, dual board-certified Palliative Care Medicine and Internal Medicine physician. He received an undergraduate degree in biomedical sciences in 1999 and graduated with a medical degree from the College of Medicine of the University of South Alabama in 2003. During his time at the University of South Alabama, Boles received the best resident award for two consecutive years.
Boles is a board member of the charity Gulfport Memorial Foundation and holds the position of president of the medical staff at Encompass Health Gulfport. He is a fellow at the American College of Physicians and is also enrolled with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. He is the founder of Boles LLC and the owner of CareDoc, a platform that assists healthcare professionals to start and optimize their businesses. CareDoc helps healthcare professionals by performing various functions that range from recruiting nursing staff to billing to getting insurance company credentials. It also provides medical professionals with proper guidance related to business processes. In 2005, when hurricane Katrina caused a lot of destruction in Biloxi, Mississippi, Boles returned to his hometown to rebuild the medical community there. Boles received the Star Award and Care Award from the Gulfport Memorial and was voted as the best Palliative Care doctor in Gulf Coast Women in 2022.
Becoming an internist is not easy and requires physical stamina, problem-solving abilities, leadership skills, and communication skills. Boles has dedicated his life to the care and benefit of others and is a role model for his sons British and Bruce Boles. Because of the efforts and dedication of internal medicine physicians like Dr. Boles, the field of internal medicine has gained a lot of importance in the past few years and the future of internal medicine looks bright.