Muscle pain and soreness often slow us down and restrict our movement. Fortunately, percussive massage therapy can help speed up the recovery process. ExoGun Dream Pro is a portable massager designed to relieve muscle tension, pain, tightness, and much more.
Here we’ll explain exactly what percussive therapy is and how a gadget such as ExoGun can help improve your overall health.
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What Is Percussive Therapy?
If you’re into sports, you may be interested to learn more about the latest discovery for athletes – percussive therapy. This treatment is typically performed with small gadgets called percussive massage guns. These devices resemble rifles, but are more like drilling machines, function-wise. Massage guns that perform percussive therapy provide fast pressure bursts to the body tissue, releasing muscle knots, which are known to be the main suspects for shoulder and back pain.
Let’s have a look into some of the benefits of percussive therapy.
Percussive Therapy Benefits
Prevents DOMS
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, also known as DOMS, occurs after intense physical activity. The muscles are stressed out beyond limit, and the pain often lasts for up to three days. Percussive massage has shown to improve muscle strength, raise kinesthetic awareness, and improve muscle performance.
In short, the motor behind the massage gun blocks off damage in the muscles caused by extensive workouts.
Boosts Flexibility
Other than reducing pain, deep-tissue massage synchronizes muscle spindles, resulting in a more advanced range of motion. Flexible muscles are less prone to injuries and soreness than before. Plus, the flexibility improves balance and posture.
Good for Post-Surgery Recovery
Both athletes and ordinary people who undergo muscle surgeries or trauma can use a massage gun such as ExoGun DreamPro during the rehabilitation process. The contractions cause muscles to strengthen, replacing physical therapy in some cases.
Percussive massage guns are also used in treating conditions such as muscle cramps, bursitis, tendonitis, TMJ syndrome, herniated discs, and spasms.
Helps Increase Blood Circulation
As muscles are sore, the lactic acid builds up in them. By increasing blood circulation, you help speed up the recovery process. Adding blood flow to the area also minimizes tension and inflammation.
Lymphatic Flow Is Better
Imagine having a back with no knots or legs with zero tight muscles. Percussive massage guns such as ExoGun DreamPro can help get there faster. They facilitate more efficient drainage in the lymphatic system. As the lymph moves freely, your body excretes toxins and waste more effectively, leading to a more robust immune system and metabolism.
Good for Everyday Use
ExoGun DreamPro doesn’t necessarily have to be used by athletes. Everyone who suffers from daily stress could apply the gun to affected areas for a dose of relaxation. It’s suitable for both active and moderately active lifestyle.
Eases Muscle Soreness
If time is of the essence in your muscle recovery process, percussive guns are the way to go. You can get your massage treatment anytime and anywhere – after a workout, at home, or during time-out.
Other Benefits
Percussive massage guns such as ExoGun are also great stress-relievers. They take down anxiety levels and make the fatigue go away faster. They are beneficial for adhesion break down, relaxing thickened connective tissue, and elongating muscle tissue during stiffness and spasms.
Plus, ExoGun is great to have around when your better half needs a massage. Professional-style, soothing massages have never been closer!
How to Use ExoGun DreamPro?
Applying ExoGun DreamPro is a breeze. You just turn the gadget on, point it at the sore area, and relax.
ExoGun Specifications
ExoGun DreamPro is equipped with a robust massage motor offering powerful, deep treatments that can save hundreds of dollars on regular massage therapy sessions. It doesn’t have any cords, it’s super quiet (24V), and lightweight.
As for customization, it’s an incredibly versatile device. There are six speeds and four attachments for full-body recovery. It comes with ShockSmart sensitivity that delivers just the right strength needed for the specific body tissue.
This percussive massage gun performs more than 30 pulses per second, and runs on a stall force of 60lbs. This is double the power of other massage guns from the same price range. In fact, only professional athletes require the maximum power.
With more than 3200 percussions per minute, the adjustable heads offer a truly unique deep-tissue massage experience.
ExoGun Downsides
ExoGun is a great device, but the essence may be hard to grasp for first-time users. The box doesn’t include proper documentation or user guides to illustrate how it’s used. Most often, people rely on YouTube videos for more detailed instructions.
Experiencing Muscle Soreness? Consider ExoGun
Percussive therapy is a great way to deal with muscle stress and pain. ExoGun is arguably the best portable massager out there. It’s fully adjustable, quiet, compact, and super powerful. It’s equally good at breaking down knots and relieving muscle soreness. And the best part is that massages are now possible whenever, wherever.
To get more details about this terrific product, head over to