A cushy corporate job may provide financial freedom, but one thing it cannot offer is an excellent work-life balance. There may be exceptions. However, they happen to be so few, and they are hardly worth mentioning far between that.
On the other hand, an independent online business can give one both financial freedom and an excellent work-life balance. However, this is not given. With an independent business (online or otherwise), one can have both, or, depending on how he manages his affairs, he can have none.
As such, it is understandable why the large majority decides to settle for regular, stable employment. Even if the person doesn’t enjoy their job, this ensures a regular source of income, and if it’s a high-paying job, financial freedom.
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Building an Online Business to Gain Financial Freedom and Achieve Great Work-Life Balance
Financial freedom and a good work-life balance are two entirely different things. The latter entails having enough time besides your work to relax, pursue your interests and hobbies, spend quality time mostly with your immediate family but also with your friends and close relatives, and so on.
On the other hand, financial freedom means finding success with your business, but success in itself seldom guarantees enough leisure time for the business owner. On the contrary, in the business world, success is often accompanied by the pressure to maintain that level of success and build upon that success to scale the business.
Subsequently, business success often comes with the almost unavoidable baggage of stress. Accordingly, many business owners fall prey to their successes because they get so caught up in the workings of the business that they can hardly find any time for themselves or their families.
Accordingly, they fail to enjoy the fruits of their success which, according to many, is to find a good work-life balance.
Darren and Mike and The Darren and Mike Dream Team Platform
Darren Ewert and Mike Dreher, the dynamic online mentoring duo who have changed the lives of a great many people thanks to their online business mentoring program, The Darren and Mike Dream Team, understand this dichotomy all too well.
Not too long ago, Mike and Darren were pursuing their highly successful careers–Mike as a business coach and Darren in the corporate world.
According to the dream team duo, although they made enough money in their respective jobs, they were unhappy with their own lives. And they came to realize this once they took a road trip together.
Then, they decided to take the leap of faith and see if they could work it out as successful entrepreneurs.
The Darren and Mike Dream Team started together in the MLM business and found tremendous success. It was not easy and even though they had some good knowledge of the business world thanks to their earlier occupations, they still had to learn many new things to succeed in the immensely competitive business world.
Subsequently, they decided they would share everything they learned with others so other people could also break free of their monotonous lives and can start to enjoy life.
Darren and Mike work to help others enjoy life by gaining both financial freedom and an excellent work-life balance.
How to Maintain a Work-Life Balance
1. Make Time for Yourself
As a business owner (large or small), you’ll have to deal with some stress regularly. However, you can avoid getting overwhelmed by stress when you make enough time for yourself and do things that you love to do.
As mentioned earlier, these can be indulging in your hobbies, spending enough quality family time, and so on. Make sure you enjoy and feel refreshed by whatever you do. This will, in turn, benefit your work life as well.
2. Hire When Necessary and Hire Wisely
Many small business owners are slightly reluctant when hiring new employees for particular positions. This is because they don’t want to add to the overhead when they feel they can do the task themselves.
However, it is essential to realize that it is not about skills alone. There is also a capacity for how much work you can do. Overworking will lead to stress, exhaustion, and a lack of time for one’s own and can also affect the quality of work across the board.
And once you are hiring, it is equally important to hire the right person for the position. Once you know a competent team backs you up, this helps take so much burden off your shoulders.
3. Cap Your Workweek at 40-45 hours
To many entrepreneurs, a 40-hour workweek may sound like blasphemy. However, researchers have proven that this is the sweet spot for achieving the optimum productivity level and keeping stress and anxiety at bay.
4. Stop Multitasking
Over the years, we have been taught to think that multitasking is a beneficial skill. The reality is multitasking adds to your overwhelm and stress as an entrepreneur. So, focus on one task at a time to keep your sanity intact.
Darren and Mike Dream Team
Many new technologies that have come up in recent years have made it possible for average individuals to become business entrepreneurs from their homes.
Many new strictly online business opportunities (MLM, e-commerce, dropshipping, and book publishing, to name only a few) have emerged in recent years, and new opportunities continue to be created as we speak.
And if Darren and Mike’s online business mentorship program has won such a massive base of loyal fans and followers, it is because the duo helps people make the most of all these new opportunities.
Most Darren and Mike reviews repeatedly stress that it was thanks to the Darren and Mike Dream Team program that they could break free of their monotonous and often stressful day-job lives.
And now, as online business entrepreneurs, they earn adequate sums of money, but they have their life in control thanks to all the free time they have for themselves. One can read some of these reviews on BBB, where Darren and Mike’s online business program currently holds an A+ rating.