Is there anyone in your life—a loved one, a close friend—about whom you have concerns about high blood pressure? You are right to be concerned. Heart disease and stroke are among the many health issues that may result from high blood pressure, often known as hypertension. The more you know about high blood pressure, the less likely it is that you or someone you care about will suffer health consequences. It is one of the reasons why preventive cardiology Upper East Side is a must-try. You can also begin by understanding what is and is not accurate about this condition. The following are the common misconceptions about high blood pressure:
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High blood pressure has obvious symptoms
There are no signs or symptoms of high blood pressure. If your blood pressure is not dangerously high, you will not experience any symptoms. The long-term effects of high blood pressure on your arteries occur regardless of whether or not you experience any symptoms.
Blood pressure is not a big deal
Indeed, high blood pressure can be life-threatening. High blood pressure may cause a wide variety of health problems, including heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, heart failure, angina, eyesight loss, sexual dysfunction, and peripheral artery disease if not treated. Damage may be done to the body in various ways due to hypertension. Increased arterial pressure, for example, may cause the arteries to lose their elasticity over time. Because less blood and oxygen reach the heart, the organ becomes damaged. The fragile blood arteries in the brain may be damaged by high blood pressure, increasing the chance that they could rupture or become blocked.
Since everyone in my family has high blood pressure, there is nothing I can do
There is a genetic component to high blood pressure. If your parents or close blood relatives have had high blood pressure, you are more likely to get it. However, many individuals with a family history of high blood pressure have been able to prevent the condition via healthy lifestyle choices.
Men are more likely than women to suffer from hypertension
Men and women alike are at risk for hypertension due to the high levels of stress and inactivity that characterize modern living. Post-menopausal women are more susceptible to hypertension and heart disease.
It is a disease of the elderly
When it comes to hypertension, there is no age limit. It is true that becoming older increases your chance of developing high blood pressure. Nearly half of all persons over 50 have the condition. However, the condition can affect young people as well. Approximately one in eight persons between the ages of 20 and 40 are affected with hypertension.
You can take medications off the table if your blood pressure improves
It would help if you kept taking your medicine as prescribed. Having high blood pressure is a permanent condition. You cannot cure hypertension with medication. Your blood pressure will increase if you stop taking your medicine. Ask your doctor about your drugs and treatment plan for high blood pressure if you have any questions or concerns about them
Having high blood pressure may be a long-term problem. Even if it means taking medicine every day for the rest of your life, heed your doctor’s advice. You can achieve your treatment objectives and improve your health by working with your medical team. Likewise, if you are aware of common hypertension misconceptions, you will be more prepared to deal with the dangers of high blood pressure.