Your spine is one of the most important parts of your body. When there is damage to the spine you can damage your ability to walk, to do things, and to go about your day to day life. There are some common causes of spinal injuries that you can watch out for that can help prevent you from causing hurt to your back or spine.
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What is a Spinal Injury?
A spinal injury is just what it sounds like. An injury that causes damage to the spine or the spinal cord that can then negatively affect the person for the rest of their life. This type of injury can be totally transformative and can make it hard to walk, it can make it hard to go to work and so much more. Spinal injuries are hard to heal, they can change the way that you live your life, and they can cause a huge range of pain and trouble healing over time.
Spinal cord injuries can be anything from a twisted neck to whiplash to something as severe a broken back that needs surgery. If you are dealing with a spinal cord injury, you should take the time to speak with a lawyer after you have started to heal to find out more about potential legal action and what you might be able to do to get some compensation back. Being injured is never fun. Spinal cord injuries are so hard to heal and they can truly change your life forever and the way that you live your life. You may not deal with the injury in the way that you thought you would, but if you are dealing with a spinal cord injury you will be healing for a very long time.
What are Some Common Causes of Spinal Injuries?
The first, and perhaps most common cause of spinal injuries are falls. This can be a fall from a great height, it can be a fall from a short height. In most cases when someone falls from any height it can injure their spine by compacting the spine, compressing the spine, chipping the vertebra and more. These types of injury are rather common, unfortunately and can cause you a ton of pain and suffering.
Another common cause of spinal cord injuries are car accidents. This can also be whiplash that causes swelling and damage to the spine and the spinal cord. This can also affect the neck. It can change the range of motion of the individual after they heal, it can change their ability to walk, it can cause lasting back pain and it can cause so much pain while you are trying to heal.
Sports injuries are another common cause of spinal injuries. Sports injuries are often caused by impact from another athlete. This can be things like you got tackled and it caused a spinal cord injury or you fell. This is a common injury however and is something that many people end up dealing with if you do play professional sports.
Diving accidents are also a major cause for spinal cord injuries. The most common injury that has to do with diving is of course the compacting of the spine. In some cases, you can have surgery that can then decompress the spine but this is painful, hard to heal from, and can cause a huge range of issues as well.
When to Involve a Lawyer?
If you are dealing with an injury that was caused by another person or by a facility, you are certainly entitled to contact a lawyer and to find out more about what you can do. In cases where you were injured as the result of another person or what another person did not do, you can get compensation for your healing and you can get money to help pay things like your medical bills, rehabilitation bills, time off work and more.
When it comes to spinal cord injuries you are going to have to do a huge amount of healing. Even if you do not end up having surgery, you are going to have to go through physical therapy, you are going to have to take time off work, and you can end up with permanent damage that is hard to heal from.
If you feel that you were injured as the result of another person, you certainly should take the time to talk with a lawyer about what you might need to do and what you might be able to do. You can do things like contact your lawyer about potential lawsuits, you can talk to them about what you might be entitled to, and you can also talk to them about what is going to be in your best interest.