If you think that you are safe from tooth cavities, then you might be wrong. Most people experience tooth decay at some point and as long as you have teeth, it means that you are facing the life-long risk of developing cavities. A majority of people in Singapore believe that tooth cavities is a condition that only affects the young ones but the fact is, anyone can get it without warning. As a matter of fact, research by Dentaleh, a dental and oral health hub based in Singapore, shows that ninety percent of Singapore adults that will experience issues with their teeth during their lifetime. Thankfully, Singapore has a lot of dentists that offer treatment on cavities and preventive measures to combat cavities.
Simply put, cavities are the holes on the enamel coating of the teeth. This is what you get as the result of the fatal combination of acid and bacteria in plaque. When these two combine, the tooth enamel gets eroded and holes or cavities appear. The absence of proper dental care and bad oral habits enable the cavities to proliferate and this will result in extreme pain or worse, the possibility of losing a tooth.
Cavities are more present in children than adults since they are more exposed to sugar and carbohydrates. Aside from that, they have not yet developed proper teeth cleaning techniques. Individuals below fifty years old get cavities from poor oral habits and certain activities like drinking alcohol and smoking, Meanwhile, people older than fifty get cavities because of reduced bone density. Sometimes it is also a side effect of medication or an existing medical condition.
Even though everyone is susceptible to cavities, there are certain factors that can make some people more likely to acquire cavities:
- Bad oral hygiene such as skipping brushing and flossing.
- Plaque allows enamel-destroying bacteria to thrive
- Saliva is necessary as it maintains the cleanliness of the teeth’s surfaces and at the same time, it fights various bacteria in the mouth, so having a dry mouth is a no-no.
- Presence of excessive sugar and acids
- Medical issues like GERD, cancer, and Parkinson’s disease increase the risk for cavities, too.
To prevent cavities, a person needs to make healthy lifestyle changes. These include:
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Brushing and flossing
Brushing regularly is a very effective deterrent against cavities. Follow your dentist’s recommendation on the ideal brush for you; it can be a manual brush or an electric one, just make sure that you know how to use it properly! Together, brushing and flossing are the greatest enemies of plaque buildup: brushing removes the plaque from the surfaces while flossing attacks the plaque that is hiding from plain sight. Tight spaces are abundant in bacteria so be extra vigilant!
Practice good eating habits
The truth is simple: everything you consume has an impact to your pearly whites. There are foods that can strengthen your teeth and at the same time, there are some that can damage them outright. Avoid eating too much sweets and carbs and stick to the greens instead. Fresh vegetables and fruits have key nutrients that can strengthen the teeth and provide key nutrients to the body, so it is easy to understand how a well-balanced diet is necessary to both dental health and total body wellness.
Make better lifestyle choices
Most people are not aware it pays to be mindful about your personal activities and choices. For example, if you are a regular smoker, your risk of developing oral cancer, tooth decay, or other mouth-related diseases is higher compared to people who do not smoke. Excessive consumption of alcohol, on the other hand, reduces your body’s ability to fight infection which in turn, has a direct impact to your teeth and gums.
You should also know when to take extra precaution and care. Avoid engaging in risky activities that may cause injury to your mouth. If you are involved in any contact sport, invest in a sturdy mouth guard. This can keep your teeth safe from accidents and trauma.
Health is Wealth
Keeping your body at top shape is one way to prevent cavities, too. This is possible by doing exercises daily, being mindful of the food that you consume, and heeding your dentist’s advice. Practicing good oral hygiene is beneficial not only to your teeth, but also to the wellness of your entire body. Without proper care, your teeth and gums will deteriorate, and it may lead to other more serious health issues than cavities. You must schedule a regular appointment with your dentist for routine care and checkups. If you are living with a child, make sure that you introduce good oral habits at an early age in order to prevent having problems in the future. Prevention is always better than cure, they say, and the truth is, it applies well to all aspects of human health – including oral health.