Humans have a long history of seeking intuitive guidance for support to gain clarity and perspective in their life circumstances. Previously considered a fringe or esoteric discipline, intuitive counselling has become a respected mainstream approach for discerning one’s life alignments, sacred contracts and energetic anatomy from the inside-out. Intuition-based guidance is a practical and effective tool for gaining clarity in areas such as personal growth, relationships, and business strategy. Since the early 2000s, Colin Matthews, who is a certified Medical Intuitive and Empath, has been supporting individuals from around the globe to help them develop clarity and to be the most empowered version of themselves.
Colin founded and led a successful community of Yoga studios in the Greater Toronto Area for over 16 years. In 2019, he decided to sell his businesses in order to work full time on his growing counselling practice. Since that time, Colin has expanded his offering to include one-on-one counselling, relationship support, training programs, and strategic business advice. He also offers online workshops that focus on developing intuitive sight, understanding energy anatomy, and exploring spirituality from a contemporary lens. His most comprehensive and in-depth offering is a Coaching and Mentorship program that he developed for people, such as himself, who identify as highly sensitive, empathic or intuitive. He runs a regular livestream where participants can receive free intuitive readings, interact with other like-minded individuals and learn about spiritually motivated topics. All of this, plus an extensive catalogue of online resources are featured on his website, and his YouTube channel
While Intuitive Counselling is familiar to some, Colin is occasionally asked what it is and how it works. He responds, “As human beings, we are more than flesh and bone. We are highly sophisticated and interconnected energetic beings that continually broadcast our energetic e signature into the world.” Much like a master sommelier can pick up subtle scents and flavours in wine, highly intuitive individuals like Colin can tune into energetic signatures or frequencies and discern what they are communicating. Through extensive study and experience, Colin Matthews has developed an expert ability to interpret energetic signatures in order to provide insights, support, clarity and guidance to empower individuals on their life’s journey.
The specific discipline Colin Matthews uses to attune to his client is known as Medical Intuition. First popularized in the 1980s by the esteemed Medical Intuitive Carolyn Myss, Medical Intuitives, such as Colin Matthews, use only the name and age of their clients to tune into their specific energetic signatures. “I receive information such as where individuals are investing their life force energy, where they may be outside of their integrity and losing energy, how this may be landing on their body, and perhaps most importantly, what an individual can do to move forward in their highest potential.” After an intuitive reading, Colin shares his findings with his client to review before their scheduled appointment. “We are all constantly making decisions and choosing how we want to invest ourselves in our life circumstances,” Colin remarks. “Sometimes, these decisions and investments are made from a place of clarity and personal agency, and sometimes they are made from a place of fear or past wounds.” Part of the challenge in this process is that patterns can be subconscious, leaving one unaware of how a fear or wounds could influence their decision-making or actions. This is in part what makes Intuitive Counselling so powerful. Colin shares his impressions and interpretations before connecting with clients by sharing and describing subconscious beliefs being held in one’s energetic signature. “That I have never met the person I am working with and only know their name and age, can make what I share all the more powerful and heart-opening when it resonates with the individual,” Colin observes. Additionally, Colin Matthews’ empathetic and non-judgmental approach supports the understanding and integration of insights into everyday life for greater freedom, discernment, awareness and joy of being for clients.
As much as intuition-based guidance is becoming more commonplace, it can still be difficult for budding Intuitives to find guidance and support on their journey. “For over 20 years I have studied with many of the great contemporary masters and teachers. I’ve both read and explored classical and modern texts on mysticism, spirituality and the human energy system. Above all, I have poured myself into understanding intuitive guidance and living a devotional life.” This combination of in-depth study and experience, along with his highly personalized and caring approach to teaching and mentoring, has made Colin a trusted resource for emerging Empaths and Mystics who want to train and develop their gifts.
To learn more about Colin’s work or to book an appointment, visit him online at his website Who knows, it may change your life.