A low credit score can complicate your life in many ways. It can possibly prevent you from retiring early because it will eventually cost you more money, and the high-interest rate will keep pushing your economic situation into more debt. While many people understand the importance of their credit report, they need help to raise their credit score to avail of its benefits. Some people surf the internet to get the best tips to improve or fix their bad credit scores, but their methods are primarily unsuccessful. It could be due to the wrong strategy or lack of knowledge. To understand the world of credit cards and how to improve credit scores, we got in touch with credit score expert Devin Parks, co-founder and CEO of one of the most successful credit consulting agencies, Clean Slate Consulting.
With years of experience helping people, especially young entrepreneurs, to revive their credit scores, Devin shed some light on the secret behind good credit points and how this system works. According to him, the credit score system works between 300 to 850, but if your credit score is between 300 to 579 on the FICO scale or 300 and 600 on the Vantage Score scale, it will be considered low or insufficient. With such a credit report, you won’t be eligible for low-interest rate loans, free flights, complimentary hotel reservations, and suitable housing. “A credit score is more than just three digits. It represents your credit history. Any future lender will evaluate your financial situation from your created report. If you maintain your score above 700, you won’t just be approved for a loan quicker, but also the interest rate will be less because you would not be considered a liability,” Devin stated.
Credit cards are one of the most powerful financial tools ever. Unfortunately, many people, especially in the United States, aren’t aware of its true power. Devin claims that 40% of Americans struggle with bad credit scores due to a lack of information. People don’t realize that they can easily access 50K$ to 250K$ with the help of their excellent credit scores. They can use such loans to start their business, pay a mortgage, or invest elsewhere. While many try to fix their credit scores through internet tips and tricks, they must realize that those suggestions might not work for everyone.
Credit scoring is a complicated method. There are many factors that can affect your overall score. The amount of debt, the duration of repaying debts, frequent purchases, and items or services bought are a few factors that can affect your credit score. While cardholders must look after every aspect to increase their credit report efficacy, some areas need uninterrupted and instant attention. In order to identify what to fix first, credit counselling is necessary. “Every credit report is unique. Here at Clean Slate Consulting, we understand that every client requires a customized strategy to increase their credit score more quickly and efficiently. This is the real secret behind our incredible success rate,” Devin shared.
Raising your credit score and improving your report are complex tasks, but it isn’t impossible. However, it requires consistency. The major reason why people with low credit scores fail to raise them isn’t that they are ignorant; rather, it’s merely that they are entangled in a vicious cycle. “If you make pizza wrong, you may toss it out and bake another. But with credit, you can always redeem yourself. Good credit can make it simpler to be approved for a mortgage, get a credit card, or even rent an apartment. Clean Slate Consulting provides a variety of services in addition to personal credit rehabilitation. Additionally, its coaches provide aid with company credit rehabilitation, debt management, and budgeting,” the expert revealed.
One thing is sure that higher credit scores result from good credit management, which decreases your borrowing costs. Smart financial decisions include living within your means, managing your debt responsibly and making on-time minimum payments on all your expenses and credit card balances. All of this helps increase your credit score, lower the interest rate on your loans, and raise the amount of money you have available for saving and investing. It is advised to reach out to an expert like Devin Parks to make a customized plan and achieve a high credit score.