Anyone that works on cars knows that lighting is key. You need to see exactly what you’re doing, in detail, to ensure a quick and quality job. It’s a matter of safety and ensuring that everything looks satisfactory for your clients, as well. There are plenty of lighting options available for an automotive or body shop, but some are better than others. These are the most convenient, durable options available.
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Overhead Lights
ROGO Fastener recommends that your entire shop be well-illuminated with either wet or damp lights or dust proof lights.
Wet and Damp Lights
If you are working in a body shop, there’s a lot of moisture in the air, which means that you should choose lights that can handle wet or damp conditions. Wet lights are waterproof and you can use them where they will be directly exposed to water or other liquids, for example, in a paint booth. Damp lights are great for humid areas where the lights won’t be in direct contact with any liquid.
Dustproof Lights
Dustproof lighting is great for spaces where there are vapors, smoke, dust, or steam.
Portable Lights
ROGO Fastener has a variety of portable lights available that are lifesavers for working under the hood or in hard-to-reach places.
Portable Lights on Reels
One smart solution for portable lighting is to purchase a light on a reel, like these Stubby work lights on reels. They come with 40-foot cords and automatically retract. You can mount them on a wall or from the ceiling, and then extend them just the amount you need, keeping cords off of the floor and out of the way. The cords are watertight and resistant to oil and apt for any shop condition.
These use LED lights and have Light Smoothing Technology to protect your eyes and help minimize shadows as you work. LED lighting lasts almost 25 times longer than other types of lighting, and is resilient and moisture-proof, making it a great investment due to its durability and longevity.
Cordless Portable Lights
Cordless portable light options can help you avoid the hassle of using a cord or extension cord. ROGO Fastener offers cordless Stubby work lights and a smaller cordless pocket light that is perfect for tight spaces. Just don’t forget to charge them or you’ll be in the dark.
Underhood Lights
Underhood lights are perfect for working on the engine or while checking fluid levels. This light is 40 inches long and has padded hooks to conveniently hang the light from the hood itself. The cord is 25 feet long.
Choosing the Right Lights
The type of lights you purchase depends on how big your shop is, what type of work you do, and where you need the best lighting. ROGO Fastener recommends that you aim for a balance of quality, American-made overhead lighting and portable lighting options to ensure that you never go without proper illumination.