Just like various other websites and businesses, you probably chose a shared hosting for managing your work during the initial period. Well, why not as it is a way cheaper and money matters when you just started something new on your own. But after many years as your website starts growing and receives more traffic and site visits, it becomes essential to upgrade the services to something more substantial. And the best way to do that is by opting a storage dedicated server for you.
But before going any further it is important to know about a dedicated server and how it can work for you to manage your website. The answer to that question lies in the reasons for why you want a High Storage Dedicated Server. If you want to handle all the drastic tariff rise or want to anticipate growth in the future for your business then a DS is the ideal choice for it.
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What is Storage Dedicated Server
Storage Dedicated server as the name suggests is a unique and dedicated set of resources that are exclusively offered to a specific person or website for fulfilling all their needs to run an online project. A DS is a much more efficient and powerful type of web hosting which gives businesses & companies full control over the server and with all the other resources like operating system, hardware, software, and other.
ServerWala is one of the leading web hosting providers that offers quality high Storage Dedicated Server services to businesses to help them manage their website and resources. If you are looking for a service that provides you more security, memory, storage, and expert IT support for your website then all you need is powerful large storage dedicated server to fulfill all your needs.
All these benefits that you get with a DS are a lot as compared to a shared hosting one and it also gives you access to customize all the resources and the hardware as well.
Why Would You Need a High Storage Dedicated Server
As mentioned above, you will all agree to the fact that a DS is the best hosting plan that you can get for your website including the cloud hosting. But if you are still confused whether you need high storage dedicated server or not then here are some reasons you may consider for opting a DS:
1. Your website is growing and needs to be able to handle an increase in traffic
If you feel that your website is growing rapidly and in the future, you might not be able to handle it with the current hosting plan then it is the time to opt for a storage dedicated server now.
If your site is experiencing high traffic and you are using shared hosting then there are chances that your website might drop. At these times, only a DS can help you to get rid of these issues.
2. If you are concerned about the security
One of the most important and concern factors about any business is its security especially when it comes to managing sensitive data. Data can include anything including credit card numbers, emails, confidential data, and much more.
But with a high storage dedicated server, you are the only one who gets access to all the site’s security systems which makes it in charge. It means that you do not have to worry about any data leakage and loss or the information being out to your competitors.
3. You get the full control of the server
The main reason to opt for a high storage dedicated server is that you get the whole server for your use and you are the one who controls everything. You can change the settings, customize the applications or software as per your preferences.
Because of these reasons, all the big companies and e-commerce websites only opt for a dedicated server for managing their websites.
Some Advantages of Serverwala’s Large Storage Dedicated Server
When it comes to high storage Dedicated Server, the only service provider you can rely on is ServerWala as they offer the best web hosting services at an affordable price and beneficial perks that you can opt for your business.
Here are some advantages of ServerWala’s large Storage Dedicated server:
1. It is only for you
With Serverwala’s dedicated server large storage you can have a hassle-free business without being worried about any website clogging the RAM and CPU of the server. With the help of a Large Storage Dedicated Server by Serverwala, you can use all the resources for your alone server.
2. Unbeatable security and power-packed performance
In addition to the resources and applications, you get various other perks like security and safety. When you choose ServerWala for your business to get the best security services for saving all your data and information.
High Storage Dedicated Server means you get a unique server for your use which no other malicious websites will use your server for their use. A DS will give you security perks that are necessary for handling all the sensitive data over FTP and SSL.
3. Unique IP Address
With Serverwala’s DS, you don’t have to share your server IP address with someone else’s websites. If you are having a shared hosting plan for your company then you are sharing an IP Address with various other websites. Having a unique IP Address is important if you are running a big website or eCommerce site as well.
4. No worry of purchasing or maintaining equipment
If you are a business owner who can opt for high storage dedicated server but doesn’t have much time to manage on your own then storage dedicated hosting is the cheapest and affordable to access all the resources and applications. A DS handles all the operations and maintains server equipment to reduce the burden from your shoulder.
Though these things require a big budget, it is also necessary to understand that the cost is nothing as compared to what you get in shared hosting.
With Serverwala’s best high storage dedicated server hosting, you can give your business the best services and resources for managing your website effectively. If your website is also dealing with a lot of pressure in keeping the track of increased traffic then now is the time to switch to a dedicated server. This is the best option for your website if you want to improve its online performance. Serverwala is the best web hosting provider that offers the most affordable and quality large storage dedicated server in the market.