Yes! It does.
This is the most obvious answer to this question as belly fat contributes to all the causative factors for erectile dysfunction.
Erectile dysfunction is the inability of normal erection in men, that can be due to old age but it can also occur at a young age because of some other factors and belly fat is one of them.
In Australia, the number of men suffering from erectile dysfunction is increasing exponentially and this rate is directly proportional to the increase in body weight. A PDE-5 inhibitor Kamagra Australia is a proven remedy for erectile dysfunction in men of all ages.
Here is how belly fat can lead to erectile dysfunction.
Increase in belly fat means,
- Obesity
- Circulatory problems
- Hormonal imbalance
- Cardiac diseases
- Less physically active lifestyle
- Poor Diet
- Lower self-esteem.
And without any surprise, all these are the contributing factors for erectile dysfunction either directly or indirectly.
Erectile dysfunction occurs when the smooth muscles in your arteries can not relax to supply enough oxygenated blood to the genitals. And all of the above lead to hypertension which in turn reduces blood flow and causes erection problems in men along with other serious health problems.
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Reduce belly fat to cope with erectile dysfunction
This is one piece of advice that solves many problems.
By reducing your belly fat you can not only improve your appearance but also get rid of erectile dysfunction and other chronic systemic pathological diseases.
Here are some of the benefits of reducing belly fats,
- A good hormonal regulation
- Lower risk of diabetes
- Lower rate of heart attacks
- Increased confidence
- Improved circulation
- Enhanced mental functions
- Lower mental or psychological stress.
How can I reduce belly fat?
Reducing belly fat may look difficult but let me tell you it is not impossible. All you need to do is to stay determined and focused on your life and goals of healthy living.
The following tips can help you lose belly fat faster.
- Change your eating habits: Food is the secret of a healthy mind and body. When you consume too many salts, carbs, and fats, you get fat. Simple!
- Replace these with foods that have healthy cholesterol like dry fruits and nuts.
- Add more and more protein to your diet
- Take iron-rich foods like spinach and meat
- Instead of calorie control, go for a portion control diet which means that you need to take foods that have more calories and less portion size.
- Change your lifestyles: If you are living a sedentary lifestyle, you are at risk for erectile dysfunction and belly fats accumulation.
- Take 30 minutes brisk walks or other cardio training
- Perform any general relaxation exercises like stretching, Pilates, or deep breathing.
- Go to the gym and avail yourself of belly fat-reducing training.
Does all this help with erectile dysfunction as well?
This is a question that arises here and the answer is YES. Because all these techniques will lower your belly fat considerably and you will ultimately have a healthy lifestyle with normal reproductive health.
What alternatives I can use?
There is one short alternative Kamagra Australia, the effective medication for treating erectile dysfunction. The pill improves the circulation to the genitals in no time and you can get an erection. These medications are available in Australia and you can avail of them from online stores here.
It is a Phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitor drug that lowers the arterial resistance to blood flow and acts similar to nitric oxide to reduce blood pressure. This is the reason these drugs are the most effective option for treating erectile dysfunction. And they do not have any serious complications when taken with precautions.