Giving to charity offers many benefits. Companies can take a charitable deduction for the funds they give to a good cause. When an event is going on or afterwards, many companies like to hand people a little something special. A charitable gift bag can serve many purposes. It can offer a lasting reminder of the event. These bags also provide people who are attending with a bit of a reward for being there.
If you’re planning an event of this type, you’ll want the gift bags to stand out. You want to hand bags people will appreciate when they see them. You’ll also want to hand out bags that will please all those attending. These tips make it easy to create bags that are elegant and professional quickly.
Age Group
One of the most important things to think about is the age group that will be at the event. The event might be for those older than eighteen only. In that case, you can bring in more adult items An event also might include lots of children. You’ll want to bring in items that are all about pleasing children. You want to take these factors into account when you’re creating the bags. A good bag is one that appeals to the age groups in attendance. Find out how many people are likely to attend and the ages involved before making any plans.
Get Everyone Involved
If you’re giving an event with lots of people involved, you’re going to want all hands on deck to get it done. Getting the gift bags in place can take time. This is a chance for everyone at the company to bond before the event starts. There are many benefits to encouraging teamwork at your company. When all people are on board at the same time, they’re engaging in the same plans. An event of this sort is a good way to bring in a sense of engaging in a common goal. Turn putting the gift bags together into a party with snacks and drinks.
Decorate the Bags
All bags should look good before being given to the recipients. You can decorate these bags in a way that directly references the event. Think about the exterior of the bags. It’s easy to find paint that you can apply to all sorts of surfaces. You can take this time to create a deeply personalized logo that will bring this event to mind every single time those attending take a look at it. Decorations can be minimal with just a hint of color. They can also be more elaborate with lots of luscious details.
Something Unexpected
Every event should have something that people aren’t expecting. The same is true of the charitable gift bags you’re using. These are bags that can be used to create an impression that makes attending a great memory. Think about what you can add to your bag to make it stand out. This might be a bag that folds into another bag, a gift bag that’s taller than average or one that serves another purpose such as luggage. One of the delights of this kind of product is that you can play around and have lots of fun with it.
Varied Items
Remember to keep the charitable bags varied. You want to put in a lot of different items into the bag. Think about items that are small and those that are much larger. Consider a gift that stands out such as a large piece of candy or specially designed DVD that people can bring home and replay again and again. You can vary these with items that are smaller but also serve to please your guests. It’s a good idea to have at least five items in each bag. This will give attendees a chance to explore the bag in delighted detail.