Recently, the question of buying a motorcycle for the modern man sounds more and more relevant. This type of transport is especially popular among young people, because it is affordable, easy to operate, fashionable among young people.
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Where to start a business?
If your start-up capital allows, you can present various popular brands of motorcycles to the buyer at the store opening. However, the retail price of motorcycles, about $ 10,000, can “scare” customers. To make this business idea profitable, take care of at least 6-10 popular models, which are found in both electronic and traditional catalogs.
At the very beginning of business, focus on cheaper popular machines. In small towns (although megacities are not an exception!) every year the fashion for any kind of scooters is growing. So, this type of transport should become the basis of your range.
Then they will be joined by not very expensive, but higher power scooters and motorcycles. Such models will cost 1000-2000$. If solid customers require a certain model of motorcycle at a price over $5000, such machines should be purchased exclusively on order.
Thus, for the initial stage of development of this business idea, choose 10 types of small motorcycles. Their prices should fluctuate within reasonable limits.
Salon room
Store for selling motorcycles should have an area of at least 40 “squares”. As for its location – try to find as far from the city center as possible. Optimal option: near a busy highway, with a convenient parking lot for customers.
The room can be “zoned”, i.e. divided into zones: showroom for equipment, sales area for related products, racks for clothes.
Salon for sale of scooters and motorcycles can be very cozy, and most importantly – inexpensive to arrange. As an interior decoration use a brick or its imitation, invite local young artists to paint graffiti. You can furnish the store with steel furniture. Give up warm pastel shades at once; your colors in the store are black, gray, and dark tones.
E-Commerce Shop
As soon as you launch a fixed point of sale, start preparing an online store for selling motorcycles. This alliance between a real salon and an online store can undoubtedly bring a lot of income. Tie the domain name of the site to a real store and trust in the eyes of customers is guaranteed. In addition to local residents, motorcycle enthusiasts from neighboring communities will be interested in your product. The geography of customers will expand, which is also in favor of your business.
Present your motorcycle equipment in the most favorable light. To do this, invite a professional photographer, put out only high-quality photos. Each photo should be accompanied by a detailed description of the product, price. In addition contact to make really great content. In the online store provide your contact details, mode of operation, address, and map of the way to the store. Do not forget to update information about promotions and discounts.
Simultaneously with the launch of the online store think about creating a professional website, where the range of your salon will be presented in all its glory. On this resource, you can layout training videos on driving motorcycles, video advice on the choice of certain accessories, and so on.
At the first stage of the promotion of your salon for the sale of motorcycles and scooters, the target audience should learn about the very fact of opening a store. To do this, place advertising modules on specialized sites, on the city portal, in social networks.
Make sure that your stands with the store’s logos are presented on the days of motorcycle races, at music rock festivals, on thematic presentations.
Modern trendy scooters are always interested in young people. Agree to place your advertising banners at the stores of youth clothes and shoes, sports goods, computer equipment. In the same districts of the city you can organize the distribution of flyers.