Eggs, fish, lean meats, tofu, almonds, and brown rice. What do these foods have in common? They all aid in building lean muscle.
As a bodybuilder, you might already have one or more of these foods in your strict diet. However, diet and lifestyle can’t bulk you up enough to win competitions or even join shows.
The truth is that most bodybuilders take steroids or another form of it to reach the ideal body type. SARMs are becoming a popular choice, not only for bodybuilders but athletes of all kinds.
What do SARMs do exactly? Read on to have your questions answered and learn all you need to know about this drug.
Table of Contents
What Are SARMs?
Before answering the question, “what do SARMs do?” it is important to understand what exactly SARMs are. The acronym “SARMs” stands for selective androgen receptor modulators.
This is a class of compounds first created to work with anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) to treat diseases. There are different types of SARMs and some have undergone clinical trials for testosterone replacement therapy.
SARMs, when bonded with a receptor, produce anabolic and hypertrophic activity in the muscles and bones. Because of this, SARMs works for osteoporosis treatment and muscle wasting treatment.
The anabolic to androgenic ratio of SARMs is 10:1. This means the drugs absorb effectively in the body.
What Do SARMs Do?
So, how do SARMs work? Many get them confused with steroids and other anabolic supplements. Although they do have similarities, the major difference is that SARMs can target one androgen in the body, the skeletal muscle.
Bodybuilders prefer SARMs for this reason and more as they can aid in building body muscle while lessening the amount of fat they have. This drug can also increase bone density without causing undesired effects.
Typically, other performance-enhancing drugs will cause water retention and estrogen-related changes.
Androgen receptors are found in different parts of the body like the muscle tissue, liver, prostate gland, and bones. SARMs will carefully select these receptors and connect to them.
The result of connecting to only the muscle tissue and bone cells is that your other organs aren’t affected. This means swelling does not occur in areas that shouldn’t swell.
Anabolic supplements have been linked to prostate cancer and liver damage which is why more people are choosing SARMs instead. There is no risk of excessive cell growth which means you don’t need to worry about diseases.
SARMs work to trick your body into thinking it is testosterone. As it mimics this hormone, your body stays away from danger.
After linking to the androgen receptors, SARMs will boost your strength, protein synthesis, and nitrogen retention.
SARMs vs. Steroids
Although AAS and SARMs have similar benefits, they have vast differences. SARMs use a different mechanism inside the body than steroids do.
The main difference between the two is that SARMs are beneficial without causing the side effects that steroids do. However, this does not mean that SARMs have no side effects.
The side effects that occur are less severe and less intense. You might still feel suppressed hormone levels and nausea but at a lower level than you would when using steroids.
We’ll discuss other possible side effects later in this article.
Types of SARMs
You can find SARMs for sale online, but there are different varieties to be aware of. Here are some of the different types of SARMs you can use:
Ostarine is sometimes referred to as MK-2866. This is one of the mildest forms of SARMs and might be considered the safest currently available because it has been researched the most.
Ostarine aids in treating wasting muscles and can help bodybuilders achieve the results they want. You’ll notice that you are bulking up, adding bone mass, and losing weight when you take these types of SARMs.
LGD 4033
LGD 4033 works the same as Ostarine in the body. The difference is that this SARM is much stronger. It also works to regulate the immune system and reproductive system.
Bodybuilders who want to bulk up fast will use SARMs of this variety.
MK677 Nutrobal
The MK677 Nutrobal SARM can help the growth hormone in your body. When you use this drug, you’ll start losing body fat while adding lean muscle.
The major benefits of this SARM include enhancing how well you sleep and increasing your appetite.
This variety of SARMs is not hormonal so you can use them at any time you deem necessary. The main effect of SR9009-Stenabolic is that it enhances endurance and reduces body fat.
If you have prostate issues, this is the SARM you’ll want to look for. Along with treating prostate problems, it can increase strength and reduce body fat.
This is the strongest category of SARMs out there right now. It was created for replacement therapy as it is an alternative to anabolic hormones.
Like some of the other varieties of SARMs, testolone can help you build strength and add lean muscle mass to your body. You can also benefit from an increase in bone health.
How Were SARMs Created?
Before taking this drug, many people ask the question, “are SARMs safe?” To answer that, we look must look into the past.
SARMs came about much like other things in this world, by accident. A scientist, Professor James T. Dalton, was looking for a treatment for prostate cancer when he came across the molecule andarine, aka the first SARM.
Although it was not much help for its intended use, it was great for muscle growth. Years after the molecule was identified, Dalton created the Ostarine version.
There are still a lot of tests to complete on SARMs, but you can find information about them online. However, this information is mainly in the form of reviews and you can’t always rely on what other people experience.
Since getting discovered, SARMs have been studied as a therapy for the following:
- Hypogonadism
- Osteopenia
- Osteoporosis
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Benign prostatic enlargement
- Stress-induced urinary incontinence
- Sarcopenia
- Muscular dystrophy
- Cachexia
Even with the many potential uses for SARMs, most people use them to boost performance and build muscle. After all, this is what they are known to do the best.
Side Effects
Because SARMs have only been around since the 90s, not every side effect is known. Although they have short-term positives, it is unclear what the long-term side effects may bring.
The main point we want to share is that the more you take SARMs, the more side effects you’ll encounter. Since bodybuilders tend to take this drug in large amounts, they experience similar side effects as steroid use.
The more anabolic hormones you introduce to your body, the harder it is for your natural production to succeed. These exogenous hormones originate outside of an organism.
SARMs are not the only thing that might cause this effect, plain testosterone could cause the same problems.
Users who have taken SARMs have experienced some of the following side effects:
- Mild acne
- Testosterone suppression
- Decreased HDL cholesterol
- Mild liver toxicity
- Accelerated hair loss
From what we do know about drugs in general, it is possible that there could be a decline in natural testosterone after prolonged use. If you don’t want to deal with major side effects, take the recommended dosage along with breaks.
Buying SARMs Online
Any drug you buy online is going to be a risk and the same goes for when you buy SARMs online. However, this is the most common way to get your hands on the drug.
When buying online, you’ll notice that legally the drugs can only be sold as research chemicals. This is because scientists are technically the only people who are supposed to buy SARMs.
Scientists will buy this drug to learn more about how it works and test it in therapeutic studies. However, it is more common for athletes, bodybuilders, and other fitness lovers to buy SARMs because they want to build muscle.
In fact, SARMs are effective enough in building muscle that they caught the attention of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). WADA has banned SARMs from competition along with the United States Anti Doping Agency (USADA).
These are things to be careful of when buying SARMs online:
- Drug contamination
- Toxic chemicals
- Poor quality
- Mixing with harmful substances
- Mislabeling
If possible, you can ask the seller you find to provide you with a chain of custody. This will show you where the product has been before it reaches your doorstep.
Currently, there is not a government agency regulating SARMs and those who produce them. Because of this, a lot of online dealers are going to place profit over safety.
Third-Party Testing
The USADA has warned those that are interested in SARMs that dealers market the drug as a dietary supplement. This is not a true label as they are laced with prohormones to make a low dose or fake the dosage altogether.
If you buy SARMs online, do so from a company that offers third-party testing. This is how you can ensure that the product you are buying is pure.
If you come across SARMs labeled as a dietary supplement, it is most likely fake.
Reading Online Reviews
When searching, “are SARMs effective?” you will likely come across online reviews. You can find honest reviews on message boards, forums, and comment sections of different blog posts. Yet, be aware of falsified reviews.
SARM dealers might pay people to put positive reviews on the internet to gain more business. This happens because companies aren’t allowed to advertise the product like any other business.
Luckily, these fake reviews are easy to recognize if you do enough research. The marketing methods aren’t subtle so catching them and tracing them back to the source is easy.
Some online reviews might be beneficial, but don’t trust everything you see online. If you know someone who has tried SARMs already, you are better off asking them for advice than turning to online reviews.
Combining SARMs
Some bodybuilders attempt to stack two or more SARMs together in one cycle. This is possible as long as you choose the combinations carefully. As a general rule of thumb, start on a low dose and increase if necessary.
Bulking SARMs Cycle
If you want to combine SARMs to bulk up faster, you should use Ostarine, LGD-3303, and MK-677. The first two are best for lean gains that get amplified with the addition of MK-677.
As with any cycle, you should take a post-cycle break that is the same length as your cycle. For the bulking SARMs cycle, the recommended time is 12 weeks.
Cutting SARMs Cycle
Another 12-week cycle is the cutting cycle made to speed up fat loss by boosting your metabolism. For this cycle, you will combine Cardarine, Stenabolic SR-9009, LGD-4033, MK-677, and Ostarine.
This cycle has more beneficial effects than one. You can use it while dieting, bulking, or if you want a body recomposition. You’ll notice an improvement in your shape, hardness, and fullness with speedy results.
Should You Use SARMs for Bodybuilding?
As a bodybuilder, you might be looking for something to take that is less harsh than steroids. Look no further because SARMs could be your solution.
Now that you know the answer to, “what do SARMs do?” you can decide for yourself if it is the right drug for your needs.
If you choose to research the drug further, consider studies completed by scientists. Online reviews should be taken with a grain of salt.
If building muscle is your ultimate goal, seriously consider the use of SARMs. As long as you buy from a verified dealer and take the recommended amount, you’ll have few side effects.
For more posts on health and fitness, read the other articles posted on our blog.