Hello mommies and daddies!
Stop worrying about your kid’s hair type even if you have no clue about how to handle it. Honestly speaking your baby’s curly hair is not a regular type and handling it is kind of a heavy-duty. But worry no more! I assure you that by the end of this article you’ll have a complete understanding of biracial hair and its care.
Table of Contents
Understanding Biracial Hair
First, let’s start with “what biracial hair is?”
Many Caucasian moms and dads who have biracial kids don’t understand a bit about their baby’s hair. So how could they comprehend the biracial hair care techniques for their baby’s? Thus it is necessary to first understand your baby’s hair type. This way you’ll have a better understanding of “Biracial hair care for toddlers.”
Biracial Hair is a mixed type of hair. It is a combination of African mixed with either Caucasian or Asian. So, it means it is neither straight and silky as Caucasian hair nor coiled and course as African hair. It is a blend of both. A unique type that is all curly, frizzy, shrinky, and dry at the same time. It doesn’t even allow light reflection and is very easily damaged. This is the reason why biracial hair is not unique but also complex.
Why handling Biracial hair is an issue?
You must be wondering why it is such an issue to handle biracial hair? Afterall Hair is Hair! Yeah you are right hair is hair but it is biracial hair we are talking about. And I won’t lie but this hair type needs very proper hair care. You can’t just let it be. Let me tell you why biracial hair care can be a pain in the ass. Especially when your baby has it.
Firstly, the hair is curly which already makes it hard to handle. Secondly, it is a biracial curl. It tangles within seconds and you won’t be able to untangle it that easily. It is extremely dry and is prone to breakage. The frizziness, shrinky curls, and too much volume and heaviness make it more complex. These are the reasons why handling them is so hard.
Why biracial hair care is necessary especially for toddlers?
Haircare is always important whether you have a straight silky type or a curly afro type. But it becomes even more important when your hair is already a hardly-handled mess. Biracial hair needs more attention than the normal hair types. So to have a healthy growth of your hair and to make them shine. You must take good care of your hair.
You can just let it be. Your biracial curls need proper taming. You can’t just simply wash it. They need proper oiling and the use of suitable shampoos and conditioners. And if you have left your hair untouched and unwashed for more than two days. Then you better get ready for some “hair-wrestling”. The complex tangles you’ll get could become a nightmare for you. The over tangling and crazy shrinking of these curls makes the hair weaker, drier, and damaged. And soon the hair fall jolts up. So to avoid such a condition you should make your hair care a priority.
All this becomes even more necessary when your baby has such biracial curls. Firstly, because the babies can’t handle or look after the hair themselves. Secondly, because of their highly sensitive scalp and skin. And lastly, because of their changing hair texture and growing curl type. So, biracial hair care for toddlers is a compulsory thing that one can not avoid.
Biracial hair care for toddlers- Do’s and Don’t’s
Biracial hair care can be a tough thing to do. Especially when it is for your baby. You can not use any hair product, shampoo, oil, and conditioner. Because the chemicals used in them might be allergic or toxic to the baby’s sensitive skin and scalp. Before buying any hair product you should know your baby’s curl type, its texture, and porosity. Then, you need to set up a proper biracial hair care routine for your toddler’s hair.
Here we will guide you with all the products you can use for your baby’s hair care. All the techniques that will keep the baby’s hair healthy and fresh. And all the things you should avoid while following a biracial hair care routine.
1. Wash the hair according to your baby’s hair type
Washing your baby’s hair is the most important element of your toddler’s biracial hair care routine. As you already know that biracial hair needs more than a simple wash. You must be aware of your baby’s hair type before overwashing or under washing the hair. Here are some points you should remember before washing your baby’s biracial hair.
- If your baby has thin hair with heavy curls. You need to wash it multiple times a weak or else it will tangle.
- If the curl pattern is looser and the hair is thick. You should avoid washing it more than once a week. As the use of shampoos and overwashing will dry out the natural oils of the scalp. This will make the hair drier and damaged.
- If the hair becomes too oily very quickly then wash the hair two times in a week.
Besides all this notice the change in your baby’s hair after every wash. If you see a positive change continue the hair wash routine. If not then change the wash products and the routine.
2. Conditioning the Curls
Conditioning your baby’s hair becomes important. Especially when you are dealing with these biracial curls. Conditioners will help keep the hair soft and shiny. They prevent tangling and excessive ceilings. Follow this biracial hair conditioning procedure for effective results.
- Lather up the hair with a good bath conditioner. And leave it for a couple of minutes.
- Comb out the conditioner with a shower comb.
- Rinse out the bath conditioner. Make sure to rinse all of it out or else your baby’s hair will become tacky.
- Apply a coat of moisturizing leave-in conditioner and comb it out. DO NOT rinse out this conditioner.
- Besides these many people do a deep-conditioning treatment twice a week. Its products are available easily in the market.
3. Moisturize and Oil the scalp- Use natural moisturizers
As the biracial hair is characteristically dry and rough. You should always keep it moisturized. Besides, after washing, the scalp and hair become even drier. So, it is better to apply a hair moisturizer to the baby’s hair after every wash. For this purpose, try to use more natural products rather than going for the fancy ones.
You can use natural oils like coconut oil, avocado oil, castor oil, macadamia oil, and almond oil. Just rub some of it on your palm and apply it to your baby’s hair. Apply any moisturizer when the hair is still wet. Otherwise, the hair will become frizzy and tangled.
4. Drying Biracial Hair
Drying the biracial hair can be challenging. If you dry your baby’s hair wrong all your efforts of washing, conditioning, and moisturizing will go to waste. Just keep these points in mind for perfect drying.
- Avoid using towels. Do not rub the hair to dry it or else the curls might tangle. And the hair becomes a frizzy mess.
- If your baby’s hair is short and thin just leave it to dry on its own. It won’t even take that much of a time.
- If your baby’s hair is long and thick you can use an old t-shirt to dry it. But remember don’t rub the hair just blot it.
5. Use Combs – Say No to Brushes
DO NOT use a hairbrush to comb your baby’s curls. The brushes will only open the beautiful curls and make the hair look like a frizz bomb. So, you should use a wide-tooth comb to comb out your baby’s curls. You can also use your fingers if the baby’s hair is short. Also, comb the hair when the hair is wet to avoid frizziness and tangles. These techniques will keep your baby’s beautiful and natural curl pattern intact.
6. Simple and Protective Hairstyling
The styling of your baby’s biracial curls might become a problem. If your toddler’s hair is of good length and volume then letting it hang will not solve your problem. You must tie it up so that your baby feels easy and the hair is safe from damage. To keep your baby’s hair protected take notes from some of these biracial hairstyling tips.
- Never tie your baby’s hair in any complex hairdo.
- Try simple and protective hairstyles like buns and braids. These hairstyles will not only make your baby comfortable with his own hair. But also makes the hair strong and protected.
- At night time tie it up in a loose but simple way so that the baby can sleep comfortably.
7. Use suitable clothing items – Avoid certain fabrics
Most of the biracial hair is of dark color. This darker hair tone and rough texture can create friction with some types of fabrics.
- Avoid using hats, pillows, and scarfs of such fabrics as wool or cotton. That can cause hair fall, breakage, and dryness.
- Use fabrics like linen or silk that helps keep moisture in the hair rather than fabric.
- You can use satin lined bonnets, winter hats, and caps. Also, pure silk pillowcases are best for your baby’s biracial hair care.
8. DIY a Biracial Refreshing Hair Spray
As I mentioned earlier you can not wash your baby’s biracial hair daily. But, you can always refresh it. Refreshing your baby’s hair after sleep or next day after the wash, helps you handle it easily. It also prevents the knots and helps re-doing the hairstyles. You can either buy the pre-made refreshing sprays from the market or you can make it at your home. To make your own DIY hair refreshing spray follow these steps.
- Buy an empty spray bottle.
- Make a mixture of water, hair oil, and conditioner.
- Shake the bottle at every use. And spray it on your baby’s hair to make it fresh just like before.
You can use this spray for a week. It helps keep the hair moisturized during the washes.
9. Embrace your baby’s Natural Hair
The best thing you can do for your toddler’s hair is “Accepting it the way it is”. I know biracial hair is tough to handle and requires special effort and attention. But it is unique and beautiful in its own way. Besides all the tough handling and efforts curly hair is no doubt the prettiest hair. It looks amazing and attractive all the time. It is so versatile and fun that everyone falls in love with these curls.
So, instead of trying to straighten your kid’s hair appreciate them for their uniqueness. Also, teach your kids to love their hair for their texture, style, and color. Give them the confidence to accept their beautiful curls. Remind yourselves and your kids that they are very pretty and unique.
Biracial Haircare Products for toddlers
There are so many hair products available in the market for biracial hair. But you must be very careful before choosing a hair product for your child’s sensitive skin. These products mentioned below are good for the biracial hair care of your baby.
Biracial Baby Shampoos
Coconut Oil Baby Wash and Shampoo
This shea butter and coconut oil baby shampoo and wash keep your baby’s hair and skin hydrated, soft, and smooth.
Mixed Chicks Kids Shampoo
This baby shampoo is specially designed for biracial hair. It keeps the curls moisturized and fresh.
Aveeno Baby Wash and Shampoo
This baby wash and shampoo perfectly suit your baby’s sensitive hair and skin.
Cantu Care For Kids
This is a tear-free, nourishing shampoo. It supports textured hair with gentle care.
Biracial Hair Conditioners for Kids
Mane n’ Tail Conditioner
This bath conditioner is suitable for dry and damaged hair of your baby.
Curly Kids Curly Crème Conditioner
This leave-in conditioner is very good at preventing frizziness. And helps repair split ends.
Mixed Chicks Leave-in Conditioner
This conditioner suits your baby’s curls without leaving any greasiness.
Hair Refreshening Sprays
Lusti Olive Oil Hair Sheen
This synthetic hair refreshing spray nourishes your baby’s biracial hair. Smoothes and rejuvenates the hair roots and scalp.
Detangling Moisturizer
The blend of natural and herbal ingredients refreshes your baby’s hair gently.
Biracial hair care for toddlers might seem useless. But it is very necessary for the proper growth of your baby’s hair. Following a biracial hair care routine is no doubt a difficult task. But if it helps to maintain your baby’s hair in perfect shape and form. Then it is worth all the effort and money.