Is your office looking cramped and dirty? A deep clean can make your space look fresh and new, revitalizing your workforce. All you need to know to get your workspace fresh again are a few handy hints.
We can help out with our handy guide. Read on as we discuss how to turn your workforce into office cleaners and spruce up your space.
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Start With a Move
The first step is to start by moving the furniture in your office.
While you may not be able to totally clear the room, you can move everything away from the walls so it makes it easier to clean behind. Unplug computer equipment and move it to one side so it is easier to clean desk surfaces and underneath them.
Work From the Top
Once you have furniture moved, start at the top and work down. Vents and air conditioner ducts should be the first stop. Give them a vacuum and blast them with compressed air if dirt and grime refuse to shift.
After this, give all surfaces a light dusting. Follow this with a wipe down using a disinfectant cleaner. If you are worried about the level of cleanliness this brings and want more, you can always hire commercial office cleaners who will have deep cleansing, specialist chemicals.
While this is going on, ask your staff to clear their desks. Any old paperwork can be shredded and unwanted stationery can be placed in the trash. Provide them with desk folders and binders to file necessary items away.
Clean the Floor
The floor is one of the toughest areas to work on. It takes a lot of punishment and buried in carpet fibers or between the cracks of flooring panels, you will find a breeding ground for bacteria and microbes. If you are going to spend some money on a deep clean, then commercial floor cleaning services are highly recommended.
If you must do it yourself, start with a vacuum of the area making sure you get into all the corners and behind furniture. After this, use a strong disinfectant and water mix to cleanse, followed by a polishing agent if you use wooden flooring. Carpets will require hiring a specialist device or contact professional floor cleaning companies.
Address the Kitchen and Bathrooms
The kitchen and bathrooms are areas of high contact. In addition to this, they are also areas that, by nature, breed bacteria. That means deep cleaning them should be much more routine than the main office itself.
Use bleach and disinfectant on the floor, faucets, toilets, and surfaces. Make sure high contact areas such as door handles and switches are given a deep cleanse. Dispose of any old items of food and waste left in the kitchen.
Find the Right Office Cleaners for You
Of course, the easiest way to do this is by hiring office cleaners to do this for you. Check local listings for nearby companies, looking at their reviews. This will save you time and keep your space looking clean.
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