It’s not uncommon for the every-day person to find themselves in financial hardship. Not everyone has the means to put money aside each month for emergency funds. When an emergency arises, how will you cover yourself?
When you need emergency cash, but don’t have a savings account with enough money in it, you’ll have to start thinking of some other ideas. In this guide, there are several unique ways to get emergency cash. Continue reading below to find out more!
Table of Contents
Take Out a Personal Loan
Taking out a personal loan is one option you have if you need the money immediately. Personal loans don’t require you to have a specific reason for taking them out, such as purchasing a car or a house. Although, you can use a personal loan for either of these things.
If you’re worried about not having the best credit, then don’t panic. There are lenders who’ll lend to people with bad or no credit. Do your research, make comparisons, and find the right one for you.
Speak With Friends and Family
Sometimes, your own friends or family members can be your lenders. Borrowing money from friends and family might not be an available option for everyone, but it’s worth looking into. If you’re worried they won’t lend you the money, then consider drafting a contract.
A contract might help your friend or family member feel more secure about lending you the money. You’ll then need to pay it back on time like you would a normal loan.
Consider a Cash Advance
A cash advance is a great way to get money fast. You can visit some money lender locations and speak with them about their cash-advance terms. You might also want to consider speaking with your employer.
Some employers offer cash advances to their employees if they feel they can trust them. The employer will pay you in advance, but your next check will be significantly lower because of this, so keep that in mind.
Turn to Retirement Funds
If you have retirement funds set up in an account, then you have the option of dipping into those funds if needed. Doing this would call for an emergency situation. The reason you want to save this option for last is that you’ll most likely be hit with a few if you withdraw money early.
Be sure to speak with your bank about the possible fees associated with it before choosing this option. If absolutely needed, however, it’s an option.
Start a Side Hustle
Starting a side hustle can help you bring in extra cash. You might not have access to a large amount of cash right away, but it’s good to start a side hustle now, so you can begin to build your emergency funds account.
Think of a hobby you enjoy and how you can make money from it, such as selling artwork, or freelance writing. If you have a knack for refurbishing furniture, then consider finding pieces to transform and sell for profit.
Emergency Cash Isn’t as Hard to Get as You Think
Are you in desperate need of emergency cash? Coming across emergency money isn’t always the easiest task. With these helpful ideas in mind, you should be able to find the help you need quickly.
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