Working remotely is a reality for many people right now. Whether you regularly work from home as an entrepreneur or are working at home, for the time being, you don’t have to worry about a reduction in productivity.
In fact, according to a press release by the Remote Collaborative Worker Survey, they found that 77% of employees report a higher level of productivity when they work remotely. This means that when the right steps are taken, there are plenty of benefits to reap from working remotely.
However, to reap these benefits, you have to take the right steps to build an effective remote working environment. With these tips, you’ll have the chance to create a space where you can work remotely and keep productivity high.
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How to Increase Your Productivity While Working Remotely
Set Up a Dedicated Workspace
One of the biggest challenges, when someone works from home, is keeping a dividing line between their personal and professional lives. This can not only damper productivity during work hours but it can add to stress levels outside of work hours as well.
It’s a good idea to set up a small office in your house to work in. Even if you don’t have a spare room to turn into an office, it’s just as effective to have a dedicated workspace in an already existing room in your house.
Create a Schedule
When you work from home, it’s just as important to have a set schedule as you would in an office. This helps you get on track when it’s time to start working and helps to make sure you get every task on your desk completed by the deadline. Remember, for maximum productivity, it’s just as important to schedule in periodic breaks throughout the workday. You can spend some time with your kids or just play Freecell on SolitaireBliss.
Have Clear Lines of Communication
When you work remotely, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you work alone. For instance, an employee from an iPhone app development company works with a team even if they physically work from a remote location.
To achieve this efficiently and productively, the team needs clear lines of communication. Deciding how the team will reach each other when they need. What communication medium works best? What questions are answerable via email and which ones require video conferences?
Get Ready for Work Every Day
It might not sound like much, but it will go a long way if you take the time to get ready for work every day just like you would if you were working in an office. This will help you with a step mentioned earlier: keeping a schedule.
While it is often convenient and comfortable to work in relaxing clothes like pajamas, it also blurs the line between work and personal life as well.
Don’t Beat Yourself Up
Above all else, don’t blame yourself if you don’t find your workflow right away. It takes time to fall into a new routine and anyone is bound to make mistakes along the way. All you can do is try your best. If you happen to make such a blunder, don’t beat yourself up – you’ll find a rhythm better if you cut yourself some slack while you settle into a new pattern.
Working remotely can actually offer you an even greater chance to work productively than you’re used to if you working in a traditional office. All you have to do is make some adjustments. For example, don’t work where you relax, create a schedule, and treat it like any other workspace. Most of all, don’t get too down on yourself if takes some time to fall into good work habits.