If you’re looking for a good web hosting company, you should check out HOSTKEY pre-configured instant dedicated servers. You can deliver these servers to you in just minutes of approval. If you need a custom server, it can take up to two business days.
These servers come with full root access, Intel and AMD CPUs, and 24/7 IT support. They are available at discounted prices and can be delivered the same day after receiving your payment. You can purchase additional services or modify your account settings through the client portal. The UI is easy to use and includes a knowledge base.
They offer several pre-configured dedicated servers, including dedicated and VPS solutions. Their solutions focus on higher-traffic sites and do not include shared hosting options. Several different packages are also available, including a single server with 1-4 CPU cores, up to 4 Tb of disk space, and 1,5 Tb RAM.
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Offer round-the-clock IT assistance.
GPU servers are a good way to speed up data processing, reduce data transfer time, and reduce infrastructure and power costs. Available in the Netherlands and the United States, these dedicated servers are customizable and feature AMD and Intel CPUs. They also offer DDoS protection, a superb global connection, and round-the-clock IT assistance.
HOSTKEY has a team of IT experts who can provide a complete solution for your server. The last thing you want is to be down for hours. Downtime can be devastating to your online presence and your clients. When running an E-Commerce project, downtime can mean the difference between success and failure. You’re running mission-critical systems such as database systems, marketing tools, pay gates, and more. So every minute of downtime could make a difference.
You can be up and running with a GPU-dedicated server from HOSTKEY in an hour or less. The company offers a wide range of configurations and operating systems. A GPU is similar to a central processor unit but has been optimized specifically for graphics generation.
Instant dedicated server
Dedicated server hosting refers to a hosting plan wherein a web hosting provider sets aside one or more physical servers for a single client. This means that the server is entirely dedicated to the website owner, and the latter has complete control over the configuration and resources of the server.
It typically includes technical support from the hosting provider. Some dedicated server plans share network access with other nearby dedicated servers in a colocation data center. These hosting solutions are better suited to those with excellent knowledge and experience.
It offers many benefits, including the ability to customize features and security. This type of hosting also allows for complete control over the server and its uptime. Dedicated servers allow for greater privacy and security for the website. They are ideal for sites handling sensitive information or trading. Many dedicated server hosting plans also include maintenance and updates for an additional fee. Dedicated server hosting is one of the highest-performance forms of hosting available. A dedicated server is similar to owning a home but with greater control over its configuration.
Instant Dedicated servers offer an array of features at no additional charge. You can use these features to customize your dedicated server to suit your needs. These servers are equipped with the latest Intel and AMD processors for added flexibility and guaranteed access to physical resources. These processors have multiple cores and threads capable of adding intensive bursts of CPU cycles on demand. This makes them ideal for reseller-shared hosting and multi-user apps.
24/7 uptime monitoring
Instant Dedicated Servers from HOSTKEY offer 24/7 uptime monitoring, comprehensive features, and affordable prices. These solutions are designed for business-level websites and offer everything from subsidized pricing to custom pre-built servers with up to four CPU cores. The company offers support for all its customers 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Here we have told you about instant dedicated servers. You can contact the technical support team or use the knowledge base if you encounter any problems.