Looking for how to run your business as a beginner, whether you are just starting or have already started, here are important tips to guide you on that journey and also the business process management:
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Secure Your Relationships With Contracts
“By mouth” agreements are a thing of the past. You need to secure the rights and duties of all parties involved. This goes through:
- Purchase of replacement inputs;
- Documents for transporting goods;
- Provision of services;
- Contracts.
Your company’s agreements with individuals and companies must be approved to provide transparency and administrative efficiency to your business. The headache of solving disputes in court is much greater than that caused by creating a contract. Think about it!
Pay Your Bills On Time
Default is the great enemy of entrepreneurship. If you have open debts with banks and finance companies, it is difficult to obtain basic things, such as financing your store or office renovation. Business opportunities can be lost, both between companies and the State, as businesses with debt cannot participate in bids.
Watch over your name, both physical and legal. Pay bills on time, both the most basic (energy or gas) and complex ones, such as tax obligations and employee salaries.
Dedicate Yourself To Financial Management
A company cannot succeed without dedicating itself to financial control. Keep in mind that the business process management and everything in management revolves around this, whether for better or for worse. When expenses and income are recorded and monitored, the entrepreneur knows the business’s financial reality and has clear subsidies for decision-making. Otherwise, you may face cash difficulties, among other losses. Have you ever thought about committing to long-term financing without considering spending containment for the next few months? It would be difficult to survive in this scenario.
Know How To Deal With The Competition
You are not alone in the market. Depending on their activity, there are even a number of companies competing for the same customer. In this sense, managing a business is understanding how to face the competition – or not. The first lesson is never to enter into a price war. A competent manager knows that this is a suicidal type of action, as too low a price destroys your profit margin. And you didn’t start a company to do charity, did you? The smartest way to deal with the competition is to study the market, assess its possibilities and position itself with a competitive edge. It is necessary to look for something that makes you unique and puts you at an advantage. And this goes beyond the price, going through the service, the quality of products or services, and other ways to add value to the customer.
Plan Marketing Actions
It’s complicated; marketing is just the name. With simple actions, you can put your company in contact with your target audience without the need for large investments. Efficient marketing is structured in the digital world and makes use of tools such as:
- Social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.);
- Video platforms (YouTube, TikTok, etc.);
- Messaging Apps (WhatsApp, Telegram, etc.);
- Search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo! etc.);
- Blogs;
- Digital ads.
Most of these solutions provide the opportunity to promote a business for free – or at a low cost – and are worth your attention, as they are practical and famous among users. But getting your hands dirty is not enough. So, start by planning each step well. When it comes to marketing, planning involves:
- Know the audience and contact them;
- Create service channels;
- Define the language of your communication;
- Develop these contents (or find a third-party company or leverage a creative management platform);
- Post them from time to time.
All of this needs to be in your marketing plan. So take the time to study these factors and create the ideal customer profiles (PCIs) to serve your networks best.
Invest In Internal Communication
Everyone in the company needs to speak the same language. After all, how to manage a company with internal conflicts, lost information, noise that reaches the customer, and damages your relationship? The use of internal communication tools encourages team engagement.
The moment employees understand their role in the company, they become more productive, including proposing solutions focused on creativity and innovation.
If you want to be a good administrator, listen to those who work with you. Otherwise, different than expected results may appear in your daily life and impact the company’s image.