Balance of Nature is one of the fastest growing supplements companiesdue to their massive marketing budget. They sell whole food supplements and also suggests in their advertising that they can substitute for whole food intake within the context of diet: “You need more fruits and vegetables. Balance of Nature could help.”
In this article, we’ll analyze, based upon a review of medical research, whether there is enough evidence to show that the Balance of Nature formulas can benefit human health.
We will also look into whether certain claims for health on their website have any basis in reality and whether the information from the Research area is useful. We will also conclude on whether or not Balance of Nature supplements Balance of Nature supplements are likely to be beneficial or are an unnecessary expense.
Table of Contents
About The Brand
Balance of Nature was founded in 1997 by Dr. Douglas Howard, a famous chiropractor.
After having lived in various countries, he noticed that those who ate a balanced diet that was rich of fruits and vegetables generally looked healthy. Contrary to this, people who suffered from food insecurity and did not have adequate nutrition frequently sick.
In the course of his research into nutrition, his curiosity intensified as he grew more interested in nutrition, Howard began to study nutrition. Howard began to learn more about phytonutrients or phytochemicals. These are substances that plants produce to remain healthy and avoid damage.
While the Dr. Howard found that phytonutrients are beneficial for humans to ensure optimal health He realized that there was no single phytonutrient with a miraculous cure. As his research advanced, he found numerous phytonutrients in plants which work in concert to improve overall health and well-being.
With this newfound understanding with his newfound knowledge, Howard has a newfound understanding of the subject. Howard founded Balance of Nature to fight the lack of nutritional value that is present in most diets of today. He also aims to give people the healthy nutrition and a wide range of phytonutrients that can help them live better lives.
What Is The Balance Of Nature?
Balance of Nature provides a natural method to get more than 10 portions of fruits and vegetables every day. Balance is a blend of Nature Fruits as well as Veggies consist of 31 flash-dried fruits and vegetables.
The company also provides a daily supplement to fiber made with whole fiber sources and twelve spices known as Fiber & Spice.
Claims of Third Party Testing Without Proof
The first thing we saw while looking through our visit to the Balance of Nature site was the fact that they claim (right on their home page) that the ingredients they incorporate into their formulas is third-party examined. This is a good thing in principle, since tests in the lab can assure that the purity and accuracy of the labels.
But, there aren’t any tests results that are published on their website. We’re not sure if the issue is because of incompetence or malicious intent or malice, but regardless we believe it is inconvenient to a company to state that an independent lab tests their products but then not release any evidence backing the assertion.
This leads us to believe their products aren’t really third-party evaluated, since when a business has favorable test results, they’d be willing to provide them for verification.
Strange and Unscientific Claims on “Our Process” Page
That which Balance of Nature sells is simple: it’s frozen-dried powder made that is made from fruits as well as vegetables in capsules. This isn’t a new technology and has been in use for a long time.
But the webpage on their website explaining their method makes some baffling claims about the advantages of food that is powdered: “The scientific blend, or recipe, created by Dr. Howard does not use the full amount of each fruit or vegetable. Through trials and errors, research and testing to find a perfect and balanced blend was found. This is the reason that creates the fantastic outcomes we are enjoying today.”
The above quote appears to indicate that the formulation is better than equivalent doses of whole food but this isn’t proven by any research.
The third assertion in this article is odder: “With some of the fruits and vegetables that you consume only 5 percent of the nutrition is absorbed due to the fact that it’s not chewed, or masticated. For instance when we consume an apple, we chew it however, it is still consumed in pieces. In a way, this hinders the absorption of nutrients in the apple.”
There’s no evidence to support the 5% number since it’s absurd. Balance of Nature suggests that there’s little or no benefit eating whole foods since they don’t help take in the nutrients. You don’t need to be an PhD candidate to see the absurdity of this assertion is.

Fruits and Veggies Ingredient Review
The two most well-known Balance of Nature product lines comprise Fruits and Veggies. It’s not surprising that they are powdered blends consisting of fruits as well as vegetables. It’s a good thing that there aren’t any harmful additives or sugars added.
There is some evidence from studies conducted in the past that show blended vegetable and fruit powders may improve health outcomes however the question is whether Balance of Nature items are not overdosed. It is the case that the Balance of Nature’s Vegetables product, as an instance, has 2.009 grams (g) of vegetable powder per serving.
A study showed that the powder of a vegetable and fruit supplemented blood pressure in hypertensive individuals, but those in the study took 24g of powder per day which is 12 times the amount found in Balance of Nature Veggies.
Another study found that the fruit and vegetable concentrates “would result in the reduction of the burden of CVDs”. Certain studies referenced in this meta-study had doses that were lower than those mentioned in Balance of Nature.
There are studies that have shown a decrease in inflammation indicators with the consumption of the powders of vegetables and fruits however they don’t have dose amounts, so they’re essentially ineffective.
We’ll be able to conclude that Balance of Nature supplements are effective in their formulation, and will help those who don’t consume adequate amounts of fruits as well as vegetables to their meals.
FDA Warning Letter
In the month of August the FDA issued a warning notice for Balance of Nature indicating, in addition the fact that their products had “adulterated” dietary supplements. They were not produced to conform to Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) and, more specifically, they did not implement the necessary processes to guarantee the quality of their supplements for dietary use in accordance with the FDA.
This is a major issue which is commonplace in supplements. Because there’s no FDA pre-approval for manufacturers of dietary supplements businesses can produce anything and market the product to consumers with no evidence that it’s safe or properly declared.
If a business is found to be selling dangerous or adulterated goods, they could be required to pay either a fine or recall, but this could be after the consumer had were already using the product and were exposed to harm.
This is the reason it’s crucial as a consumer to verify the results of third-party tests for supplements you consume and is the reason we encourage that supplement companies publish independent test results for each batch of their products, which proves the accuracy of their labels, as well as potency and the purity.
We generally advise against products that received FDA Warning Letters in the past.
Fiber and Spice Ingredient Review
Balance of Nature sells a product with fiber and a variety of spices. The company claims that it’s beneficial to digestion.
This product could be helpful for consumers looking for an aid to losing weight, since fiber is linked to greater weight loss in research studies. Balance is a blend of nature fiber and Spice has 10 grams of fiber.
Although this product is devoid of any harmful ingredients however, we do not see it as a cost-effective method to boost your consumption of fiber or spices.
Balance from Nature Fiber & Spice costs $69.95 for a single purchase at the time of writing this post, and comes with 30 servings. It’s more than $2 for each serving.
There are a variety of fiber powders available which cost less than $1 for a serving. The entire spice blend only provides 3 grams of fiber per serving. Three grams are less than one teaspoon. It’s much less expensive to purchase spices from the grocery store and include them in your daily meals.
Better Alternative
We suggest products based on the efficacy and safety of their ingredients as established through an review of research in the field of medicine. We earn a commission when our readers purchase the items we recommend.
We suggest Kencko drinks over Balance of Nature as an efficient way to consume all of your fruits as well as vegetables. Kencko sells produce powders that include 50 pieces of fruits and vegetables Each packet offers 2.5 of the five daily portions of fruits and vegetables suggested from the USDA.
All Kencko packets of vegetables and fruits are organic and medical research shows that organic produce has slightly more nutrients and lower levels of pesticides. Balance of Nature does not make any reference to whether their food is organic, so we’ll believe that it isn’t.
Kencko has not had any problems regarding the FDA or any questionable research papers, which is why we consider them an ethically-sound brand.
Balance of Nature Pros and Cons
Because this article covers many different topics We wanted to create a short pros and cons of Balance of Nature for convenience.
- Free of harmful ingredients
- Can improve the health of people who have a low-quality diets
- Fiber product may aid weight loss
- Received FDA Warning Letter for “adulterated” supplements
- There is no proof of test results from a third party. results
- A bit expensive
- Uncertain health claims
Balance of Nature User Reviews
Balance of Nature offers generally favorable reviews in their Amazon listing of products, however, the they have fake reviews. review detector algorithm FakeSpot modifies the Fruit & Veggies supplement rating lower to 4.5 ratings to 3.5 stars. FakeSpot alters Amazon ratings by eliminating reviews that their algorithm deems to be likely fake.
The most well-known Amazon review about Balance of Nature Fruit & Veggies is actually negative review. The review is written by a person identified as “JB” who is upset over what he considers “false claims” that Balance of Nature claims to make:
“This product runs misleading radio commercials every day in my area…Their claims are unfounded and without scientific research.”
There’s not a single five-star review in the majority of “Top Reviews” at the date of this article’s update This is only the second time that we’ve observed such a thing regardless of the brand. We’ll conclude that customer reviews for Balance of Nature are largely negative.
Does It Really Work?
Balance of Nature declares itself to be a business that results. The products are made of authentic fruits as well as vegetables and If you suffer from deficiencies in nutrient intake it is possible to see improvements.
Although exact quantities of nutrients included in the product are not known however, the company claims that their blends can help to boost the health of your immune system and repair DNA, as well as protect cells, and so on.
Numerous Balance of Nature customers report gains in:
- Energy
- Mental clarity
- Sleep
- Digestion
- Inflammation
- Blood pressure
- Cholesterol
- Skin
- Hair
- Nails
In addition, if you’re happy, the company provides a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Related: Sugar Balance Reviews: Safe Plant Insulin Supplement or Scam
Balance of Nature Cost
Balance of Nature is expensive for a supplement in its kind. If you are planning purchasing Balance of Nature it is recommended to suggest purchasing from their website instead of the Amazon page as the price is cheaper on their site, and they offer discounts.
The price of Balance of Nature Fruits & Veggies costs $89.95 for a single purchase on their site, or $99.95 for a purchase once on Amazon.
Balance of Nature’s web site has the option of a subscription that costs $69.95 per month that is a substantial savings in cost.
Incredibly, Balance of Nature misrepresents their savings on subscriptions because they aren’t able to perform basic math. Their price for subscriptions is at a 22.2 percent discount off their single-price at the time of writing this article. Balance of Nature offers the price as a 33% saving.
This is not accurate. Divide 69.95 by 89.95 and you’ll receive 0.778 rounding up by the decimal third. The subscription cost is 77.8 percent of the entire cost which is an 22.3 percent cost reduction.
It’s important to note that there’s currently no subscription discount on Amazon.