For auto lovers and people wanting to buy or sell their vehicles, auto auctions are just the right place to realize all ambitions. Most importantly, the prices are quite affordable, which is one of the main reasons for their huge popularity. On the other hand, the transportation distance of the vehicle is usually very long. Logistics aspects may appear very challenging for inexperienced sellers. What is more, they may blur the first enjoyment of the purchase. To prevent such an unfortunate scenario, you may find a good reliable company specializing in car transport from auction.
At Shipcar24, we offer a range of services, among which are qualified help to get your vehicle home after purchase in an auto auction. Based on clients’ reviews, our services are 100% safe and secure. You can be sure of the safe arrival of your precious brand-new vehicle because we are aware of the need to preserve its immaculate condition. It has never been more convenient than now as we can relocate your car directly from the auction to whatever point of the destination you desire.
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How long does the shipment take?
Transportation from the auction to your destination point takes 1 to 12 business days. The count begins from the moment your order is processed. The distances between pickup and delivery sites may impact the transit time. On average, each truck makes over 500 miles a day.
If we talk about express methods of shipping which are more expensive, the waiting time reduces dramatically. Usually, it takes from 12 to 48 hours from the moment you book transportation. If you want to avoid storage fees, we recommend you book this type of shipment just after the weekend. At this time, most auctions are closed, and you will save a substantial amount of money.
Auctions we cooperate with
The number of auto auctions we work with is growing each year. For now, we ship cars to and from ADESA, Manheim, IIA, and America’s Auto Auction. We engage in two types of shipping – open and enclosed. In addition, we ship to and from any US auction. Public auctions and dealer auctions are not exceptions. We are trying to be multifunctional and diverse to satisfy our clients by providing all the things they require.
The cost of auto auction car shipment
No doubt, the total price may vary, and several factors contribute to it. Before booking any shipment services, consider the distance, fuel, season, shipping method, and, of course, condition of your vehicle. If you plan to transport highly extravagant exotic cars, it will most likely cost you more. Moreover, in combination with an express shipping method and hiring an enclosed transportation track, it will surely cost you a little fortune. Classic cars are not an exception. You may need to spend more money to relocate them safely.
Weather conditions are not the last factor impacting the price. If your transportation route is highly unpredictable in terms of weather, you will be asked to pay more. It is not a surprise that any weather changes may lead to delays and traffic jams. Last but not least, fuel prices are always one of the biggest factors to take into consideration.
Speaking about average transportation prices, usually, they are no less than $1.40 per mile. Overall, it will cost $500 for a 350-miles ride. If the total distance of shipment is longer than 500 miles, you will pay less, as the longer the distance, the lower the price. More than 1000 miles of trips will be charged at $1 per mile, which is more beneficial. Finally, coast-to-coast vehicle transportation may be even lower in price, only $0.60 per mile.