Catch the small things before they fly by.
They always say it’s the small things in life – and they’re not wrong.
I was sitting in a coffee shop one time, plowing through all my to-dos at a million miles per hour. Car inspection – gotta get that appointment. Registration – better pass inspection. Passport renewal – I don’t even want to start. And the coffee in front of me was probably only fanning my anxiety’s flames. Moving to a new state was harder than it seemed.
But as I kept milling through more items on the checklist, the soothing sound of rain caught my ears. I looked gently over my left shoulder and caught sight of it trickling down the windows. It was like something out of a movie. Bikers and cars whizzing by as water swooshes from their tires. Couple’s huddled together under umbrellas – somehow smiling despite the wet wind coming at their faces. And I remember thinking to myself, “Thank god I have this roof over my head.”
And then I stopped. I looked up at the roof, and something struck me. Like some out of the blue inspiration, my thoughts came to a screeching halt as I took in the view above me. It was beautiful. Never in my life did I ever think I’d be so captivated by a roof. Funny thing, really. It’s so small, you’ll miss it for all the passing distractions whizzing past you.
And so it was that, of all things, a commercial roof installation saved the day.
The design was sleek. Very modern. It was actually my second time in that particular cafe too. I was looking to break my usual habit, change the scenery a bit. And now that I saw it, I couldn’t unsee it. The difference between this roof – and say, my usual spot’s roof – was night and day. And the way the rain sounded against its surface was just what I needed. The only thing I was missing at that point was a good lo-fi playlist in my headphones and another cup of coffee on the table.
“Yeah, forget leaving now.” I said to myself, and bought myself another drink.
Odd, you might say, but the story didn’t stop there. By this point I’ve become a real big appreciator for a building’s roof. It sounds silly at first but I’ve turned my friends and colleagues onto this too. It really does make such a difference.
When it comes to inviting people into your business, there are so many factors that play a part in what makes them choose yours. I’ll always advocate for a good floor, I mean flooring is the crux of your shop’s front-end foundation afterall. But what’s the point in a good floor – or a good wall, or good shelving – if your roof looks dingy.
If I walk past the shop and look up to see a dull, worn, boring pallet, will I go in? If I’m taking a romantic gaze off a balcony, feeling myself maybe more than I should, and, as I scan across market street I see your shop, I catch a roof that looks like a pile of plaster.
Of course you don’t want that. And I know you don’t – you’re trying your best. You want your business to look and feel like the best. And I know it is, it’s not a matter of proving that – but showing it. Your product’s great, your model is unique and special. So really help show that by showing that you care about the details. The small things. A good roof goes a long way. More than that, even.
Think about it. We say it all the time.
“Well, Jim, the first step I really just getting food on the table and roof over my head. Then I’ll…”
Of all the things they could say in that common phrase. They chose to say a roof. And obviously, your business has one. So that means it’s not whether or not your business has a roof – although that would be quite the… interesting, dare I say progressive business model in itself – it’s noticing what the business looks like. Feels like (atmosphere). Even smells like.
And don’t take me too far, the structural integrity of your roof is absolutely important. I don’t mean to downplay that at all. I just figure that’s a given.
Roof shopping – it’s a real thing. Just like the shoes in your ensemble, people notice it. Whether they realize it or not. They’ll walk over to your rival’s shop even if you have the better deals, because their shop feels more cozy. Looks more snazzy. Well, outplay them in a way they’ll never think about. Go for the roof. You’ll be surprised how it affects your business.
And you! What an improvement in your overall mood, I could only imagine. The satisfaction you’ll feel knowing your roof is the one people want to be under. That’s what it was all about in the first place, right? I’m sitting here trying to think of a business that actively wants people out of it…
I should note, arguably, if your business is an express drive by experience where I’ll only spend a minute inside then sure, this might sound a bit over the top. (No pun intended.) But even then, that’s enough time to really impress with your dress. (well… you’re building’s dress, I guess.) But for every second after that, especially if I’m waiting outside, we’re talking an exponential curve here on how likely I am to be staring up at your roof while impatiently tapping my foot. Well, I’d like to think I’m not that much of a jerk, but you know the people that do that. Maybe give them something to smile about. I bet they’ll buy more too if they’re in a better mood. And I don’t think I have to give you a whole thesis to understand that boosted moods translate into boosted sales.
Your roof matters, just like you and your business. Top it off. Make it shine. Make it look good. Make it sturdy. It really is the small things that will change your life. I’ve gone back to that cafe every day since. In fact, I’m here now.