Every Final Fantasy Gamer know the awesome benefits that mogstation has to offer. If you are just starting off with FFXIV, you need to check it out if you want to make the most out of your Final Fantasy gaming experience. With the advances level services that this web app has to offer, it would become quite easier for you to beat your competition and progress in the game in record time.
For people who don’t know it already, mogstation is a FFXIV account management service that is developed by the creators of FFXIV and offers features like account management which makes the process of playing FFXIV a whole lot easier for you.
Below are some of the most amazing services that mogstation has to offer.
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Easy Subscription Management Service
With Mogstation, you won’t have to keep track of monthly subscription yourself. You’d be notified when a payment is due which would save you from getting locked out of the account because of late payments. This service also keeps track of all the previous payments that you have made for subscriptions so that you can keep track of the money that you have spent over the years with FFXIV gameplay.
Wide Range of Optional Items
Not just payment management, with mogstation you get amazing options items and benefits that make things a whole lot easier and simpler for you. These items include new gear, fun mounts for single and double use, new gear and stuff like that.
You can customize your character the way you’d like to. You can by power boosts and fun side quests that would spice up the final fantasy gaming experience for you. You can go with the standard gameplay if you want to, but that would take you a lot of time to finish up the game.
Character Renaming Services
This is a really fun service that you can get access to after you login to your mogstation account. As the name suggests, with this service, you’d be able to change the name of the characters that you own even from outside the game.
You won’t have to run the game to change the name. Whenever you have a new idea for the name of a character, instead of logging into the game, you can use your mogstation account and then change the name from there. You can even do that with your mobile phone. Once you change the name, the effect would show up automatically in the game.
Retainer Services
You can hire 3 or more retainers with your service for doing stuff like storing excess gil and gear or selling the items that you don’t need in the market. You need to complete the Quest, The Scions of the Seventh Dawn, before you can hire any retainers.
Retainer’s duties include the storage of items of up to 175 types, selling excess inventory items and the procurement of items and different kinds of materials through different ventures that you do during the game. It is a fun service that would enhance your gaming experience when playing Final Fantasy.
Automatic Upgrade Services
Mogstation features all the latest updates for the FFXIV gameplay and you can get all these updates straight from the account. You can find ore details about automatic upgrades at Plasticrypt. These upgrades new character outfits, new story patches and different updates that boost your character abilities.
Instead of manually searching for the updates and using them in your gameplay, you can simply just visit mogstation and get all these updates in real time. This is one of the best features of this service that you need to check out. This can also be of big help for you in the FFXIV gameplay.
Wrapping it All Up!
If you haven’t done it already, we suggest you get the mogstation account for yourself at once. You’d be amazed with the features and benefits that it has to off. It is a complete FFXIV account management system that would facilitate you with your Final Fantasy gameplay. Make sure to check it out once you start playing Final Fantasy XIV, you’d thank yourself in the future for making this decision.