Alcoholic beverages are easily among the most popular drinks in the world. People across the world drink alcohol for a number of different reasons. Maybe you’re celebrating a big promotion or trying to wind down at the end of a busy day.
If you’re someone who spends a lot of time with a drink in your hand, you might be worried about how the alcohol you drink is impacting your health. As it turns out, alcohol can both boost your health and cause it to deteriorate, too. Read on to learn about the connection between alcohol and health.
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Improved Blood Pressure
You’ll find the most health benefits in a glass of red wine. Red wine is packed with polyphenols called quercetin and resveratrol. These polyphenols can help you manage your blood pressure when red wine is consumed in moderate amounts.
That doesn’t mean that all other alcohol is unhealthy. It might not lower your blood pressure, but it can help you relax. Sometimes the simple act of taking a swig of whiskey in a flask is enough to bring your stress and blood pressure levels down.
Be careful, though. Drinking more than a few glasses a week can actually have the opposite effect on your blood pressure!
Healthy Heart
Believe it or not, alcohol can actually help improve your heart health! Studies have found that people who drink alcohol in moderation are less likely to struggle with cardiovascular disease or die from it. In fact, it can lower your risk of cardiovascular disease by nearly 40 percent.
It does this by creating healthier blood-cholesterol levels. It increases HDL cholesterol, healthy cholesterol, and reduces LDL cholesterol, which is an unhealthy form of cholesterol.
Alcohol also aids heart health by acting as a vasodilator and by reducing the overall amount of inflammation in your body.
Weight Gain
Pretty much everything you eat or drink, with the exception of water, contains calories. Alcohol is no exception.
If you’re drinking several glasses a day, you might be racking up the calories without even knowing it. As a result, a lot of people who drink too much find themselves packing on the pounds. If you’re worried about your caloric intake, consider reducing your consumption or switching your mixer to soda water with a squeeze of lime.
Alcohol can make you feel, and for some people, that leads to a lifetime struggle with alcohol addiction.
If you find that you can’t unwind at night without a glass of wine in your hand, or that alcohol is having a negative impact on your life, then it might be time to seek help. Alcohol addiction is a common problem, and there are a number of people out there who can help you take control of your life.
Find the Balance Between Alcohol and Health
Is there a connection between alcohol and health?
There sure is!
Drinking a glass of red wine a few days a week can reduce your blood pressure and protect your heart. Drinking too much alcohol, on the other hand, can have the opposite effect. If you’re struggling to drink in moderation, it’s best to nix the habit altogether and get meet your health needs in other ways.
Are you interested in more great information about how you can improve your health? Check out the rest of our blog for everything you need to know to stay fit and fabulous!