It is advisable that the most personal items, such as sleeping bags and boots, the better if they are your own. But many people will only use them once or twice, so it is preferable to rent. The rental stores in Mendoza are well prepared to receive the “tourist” -so to speak- who is climbing Aconcagua, who can arrive if they want in swimming shorts and dress them for the ascent.
And if the person who is going to ascend had previous experience, it is prevalent for everyone to have the essential high mountain equipment. Possibly it lacks down mitts that are not usually used in other mountains or the summit feather camper. But the rest generally do.
The crucial thing is the lack of experience. Many people think that by running or doing marathons, they will do well on an Aconcagua expedition. In reality, the crucial thing is that you have added previous experiences to the ascent in lower hills. But make a significant ascent, about 12 hours of walking, and having started from a tent. Not from a shelter or from your home to run.
Another aspect is acclimatization. Doing good acclimatization greatly minimizes the risk of pulmonary and cerebral edema. It’s fundamental.
And another thing that should never be neglected is enjoyment. People ask about the summit on the first day, when the first day you have to get to Confluencia, the second to Plaza de Mulas, the third to go up to that side and go down, according to the program you have. But the enjoyment is day by day. The sum of good successes and things well done, hydrate, eat well, sleep well, have the right equipment, adequate training and experience, the sum of these things makes the icing on the cake. When there was a problem, it was not from one moment to another, but it is precisely a summation of errors or warnings that the mountain is giving that sometimes ends in a fatality.
All experiences are valid. It depends on each mountaineer how he takes the mountain. Some will take it as a failure not to reach the summit of the Aconcagua expeditions; others will not. It depends on why each one is there. Some will enjoy the step-by-step and, if possible, make the summit. Others come out of the bottom wanting to reach the top yes or, yes, leaving everything for that. The mountain can make you bounce many times. People must understand that when you go to a 7,000-meter mountain, the chances are less; there are fewer chances of reaching the summit. If you go to a 2,000-meter hill in the Precordillera and the day is good, there are many possibilities to reach the summit. By 3,000 a little less, 4,000 less, 5,000, 6,000. On a 7,000-meter mountain, the possibilities of reaching the summit are considerably reduced for many days, and many aspects to consider can happen from feeling bad to miss the children.
But all experience adds up, and it cannot be seen as a failure not to reach the summit.