The best way to keep your teeth intact and maintain their correct positions is by wearing a retainer. If you have recently undergone orthodontic treatment, you might be asked to wear a retainer. Once your braces are removed after orthodontic treatment, your teeth will shift back to their wrong positions if you do not wear retainers.
This dental guide will let you know how you should wear retainers and share five tips on taking care of your retainers. So, if you have recently undergone orthodontic treatment, this guide is a must-read.
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What Are Retainers?
Retainers are custom dental devices designed to keep your teeth in place. These devices are often prescribed after orthodontic treatment. Wearing a retainer might get irritating; however, it is essential to wear these devices, especially once your braces are removed. These dental devices keep your teeth in place and do not allow them to shift back to their wrong positions.
How to Wear and Remove A Clear Retainer?
Here is a complete guide on wearing and removing a clear retainer.
· How to Insert A Clear Retainer?
While inserting a clear retainer, start by pushing the retainer gently over your front teeth. Once the retainer starts setting on your teeth, apply gentle pressure using your fingertips to the tops of your right and left molars until you feel that the retainer snaps in its place.
During this phase, it might be tempting to bite your retainer; however, you must avoid this. Biting down on a retainer can cause damage and reduce its effectiveness.
· How to Remove A Clear Retainer?
If you want to remove the retainer, you can either start from the left or right side. Use your fingertip inside your back molar to pull the clear retainer from your molars. Repeat the same procedure for the opposite side.
Once the retainer disengages from the molars on both sides of your mouth, gradually work its way forward by pressing the retainer away from your teeth using your fingertips.
Once you have removed your retainer, it is always advised to rinse with water and shake off any excessive droplets. Place the retainer in a protective case instantly. Before placing the retainer back in your mouth, you must clean your retainer.
5 Tips to Take Care of Your Retainer
If you are wondering how I can take good care of my retainer, search nom more. Here are a few tips on taking care of your retainers.
1. Keep Your Retainers Clean
When the retainer stays in your mouth all day, it will have loads of plaque, bacteria and food leftover particles stuck on it. Hence, you must wash your retainer each time you remove it from your mouth. Rather, it is essential to rinse your retainer several times a day. Keeping your retainers clean and fresh will help in maintaining good oral hygiene.
2. Keep The Retainers in A Protective Case
When the SportingSmiles retainers are not in your mouth, ensure you keep them in a protective case. If you leave them open in the air, the retainers will most likely absorb dust from the surroundings. Excessive dust will damage the retainers and reduce their life span.
3. Keep Retainers Away from Pets
If you have pets in your home, you must pay significant importance to take care of your retainers. Keep these dental devices away from pets. Otherwise, they may snack on these retainers and end up damaging them.
4. Replace Your Retainer When It Gets Damaged
Replacing a retainer is the best way of maintaining a healthy smile and good oral health. Once your retainer gets damaged, replace it with a new one as soon as possible. Otherwise, you may end up damaging your teeth and oral health.
5. Keep Your Retainers Away from Heat
Excessive heat will damage your retainer. Do not leave your retainers in a hot environment such as a hot car or a windowsill. Otherwise, it will melt or wrap. Some people put retainers in boiling water to clean it. However, placing a retainer in hot water is never advised because excessive heat will ruin it.