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Why do you need to make yourself sneeze?
Sneezing is the natural process to get irritants out of the nasal passage. But sometimes, you need a certain urge to sneeze yourself. It happens due to irritants inside the nasal passage, or the person is congested.
You will get the incredible ideas of sneezing by reading the whole article. Keep reading and try the most convenient method on how to make yourself sneeze.
Before getting into the main topics, let’s understand what propels your body to sneeze?
When foreign particles enter into the nasal passage, they are captured by mucus membranes. They are later sent to the stomach, where stomach acid neutralizes them.
But in some cases, the foreign particles are stuck in the mucus membrane of the nose and throat, and it irritates you a lot. Irritation can stimulate the trigeminal nerve that can send a message to the brain for sneezing. The diaphragm muscle, stomach muscles, throat, and chest also play essential roles in sneezing.
Here Healthclubfinder brought Nine ways to trigger your sneezing:-
The following tips can help you to make yourself sneeze. Some of the tips given here are very simple, and you can try one of them.
1. Tickle your nose with a tissue
Tissue can help you to sneeze. Twist your tissue paper with one side and insert it into the nose. Take it out and insert deeper. It will create irritation in your nose, and the trigeminal nerve will send a message to the brain for sneezing.
Don’t insert tissue deep inside the nose. Allow only the comfortable level; otherwise, you might hurt your nose.
2. Stand on the hot sun and look into it for a while
It is the best method to trigger sneezing. Stand on the hot sun and look directly into the sun. The sunlight irritates you a lot that will make you sneeze.
Stand in the hot sun only when you are comfortable. When you think standing for a long time can trouble your body, stop this method and try another method.
3. Look toward the light
A common hereditary trait known as photic sneezing or ACHOO (autosomal dominant compulsive helio-ophthalmic outbursts) can be found in roughly one-third of the folks. If you come in this category, then try this method; otherwise, check with another method.
Looking directly to the bright light can trigger sneezing. It can also close your eyes for a few seconds.
Never look directly to bring light for an extended time. You can allow yourself only the permissible limit.
4. Get Spicy
Make yourself spicy if you want to know how to make yourself sneeze. Spices have ingredients that will trigger sneezing. You can inhale a little of any spices like crushed red pepper, chilly powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder, and others.
Only inhale a little of it that can trigger sneezing. Excess inhaling can give you a burning sensation.
5. Pluck a nose hair
Plucking the nose hair is risky as it irritates you a lot, even after sneezing. So, apply this method only when you don’t have other options left. Do you know that the inner lining of the nose is extremely sensitive? When you pluck nose hair, it triggers sneezing. If plucking one hair doesn’t work, pluck one more.
Pluck your nose hair only when you are comfortable. Don’t pluck nose hairs on the verge of severe uncomfortability.
6. Use a feather
Feathers can stimulate sneezing. Take a faux feather and put it inside the nose. Wait for the moment. It creates irritation that will let you urge sneezing.
Sometimes when you are at an extreme urge of sneezing, then you can do anything for it. But on the note of excitement, don’t harm yourself. Avoid using real feathers as it crates allergy and causes diseases too.
7. Spritz a strong scent
Strong scents and perfumes can trigger sneezing. Most people are unable to bear the intense fragrance of scents and it will lead to sneezing. Spritz strong scents into the air, and it will let sneeze happen in a few moments.
If you are very allergic to strong scents and perfumes, then avoid this method. The persons who are allergic to it can feel dizziness and headache.
8. Have a carbonated drink
When you drink a fizzy drink, then the carbon dioxide inside it can activate the TRPA1 receptor and triggers sneezing. Sometimes inhaling bubbles can also work to trigger sneezing. It can work for most people.
If you are accustomed to drinking fizzy drinks in a regular mode, then it will not work for you. Don’t drink an overdose of carbonated beverages in lieu of sneezing.
9. Use warm water
Warm water is extremely sensitive. Perform this method when you have a trainer along with you. Tilt your head backward and take warm water inside your nose. Then, gently tilt your head back and remove every drop of water. However, some water droplets stick into your nose, which will trigger sneezing.
It is an extremely sensitive step. Always perform when you have an expert with you, or someone has already done this method before you. Sometimes, water can get deep inside the nose, and it may reach the brain. So, it is a very gentle process, and you need to perform it very quickly. A late timing can enhance the risk.
You have read plenty of tips on how to make yourself sneeze. However, every method doesn’t suit every individual. Each individual has its own make-up of constituents that can vary from person to person. You can observe some people are extremely sensitive while some are very insensitive. Sometimes a small stimulant is enough to trigger sneezing for some individuals. However, some need a typical procedure to make sneeze happen.
Some individuals love to eat chocolates. However, that won’t stimulate sneezing for them. Meanwhile, they can trigger sneezing in some individuals. Some need cool air to sneeze out, while some need warm water to make it happen. So, don’t try any method beyond your comfortable limit. Try only to reach your comfortable limit. If it didn’t work under your comfortable limit, it means that you need another method for sneezing.