Married people cheat for many reasons, but it is always a risky endeavor. What are the causes of infidelity in marriage? Why do some married people succumb to temptation and others don’t? Many reasons can lead one to cheat in a relationship. If you want to keep a check on your partner when they are not around you, make sure that you download pcTattletale on their cell phones to track their location and messages they’ve been doing. This blog post will explore some of the most common risks that come with cheating on your spouse.
Let’s take a look at these causes and risks.
Table of Contents
1. Attachment style
Some attachment types, such as attachment avoidance or insecurity and intimacy disorders, have been studied in connection to the likelihood of cheating. Insecurity and low self-esteem might increase the chance of having an affair to show one’s value.
2. Cheating in the past
The adage “once a cheater, always a cheater” is more than an urban legend. The first research to assess the veracity of this adage was published in 2017. According to one study, those who had an extramarital affair were three times more likely to repeat the conduct in their next relationship.
3. Psychological issues
Cheating is more likely in those with narcissistic characteristics or personality disorders. An affair with narcissism may be motivated by ego and a feeling of entitlement. People with these illnesses are generally self-centered and lack empathy; thus, they are unaware of the impact of their behavior on their partners.
4. Domestic violence
Some people feel they need to stay in an abusive relationship because the abuse only occurs when their partner is under the influence. It’s not uncommon for abusers to pressure their partners into drugs, alcohol, or other things as a way of controlling them.
5. Childhood exposure to infidelity
Infidelity is also more likely if you have a history of cheating. According to a 2015 study, youngsters who see a parent having an affair are twice as likely to have one themselves.
6. Addiction
Addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling, or whatever else is an obvious risk factor. Alcohol, in particular, can lower inhibitions, allowing someone who would never contemplate having an affair when sober to do so.
7. Mental illness
A spouse may have a mental illness that makes them feel unhappy in the relationship. Mental health conditions are often accompanied by depression, which can make people want to end their lives. It’s not unusual for someone who is suicidal to leave their partner temporarily so they won’t be able to hurt them while they’re gone.
8. Loss of interest in sex
Some people lose their desire for a sexual relationship as they get older, which can lead to cheating, especially if the spouse isn’t willing to help meet other needs such as emotional intimacy or quality time together. When one person doesn’t want sex anymore, it’s easy for the other partner to feel rejected and look for intimacy elsewhere.
9. Materialistic demands
When couples spend all their time working to buy things, they don’t have the opportunity to get to know each other emotionally, which can lead one partner to seek satisfaction through another relationship. Materialistic people often tend toward infidelity because of a lack of joy and happiness from other areas in life.
The Bottom Line
Cheating can occur for a variety of reasons, and marriage is difficult. However, the greatest insurance policies for protecting your marriage include communicating honestly, expressing your needs, practicing forgiveness, and making a daily effort to change your wedding.