Procrastination is the sensation sweeping the nation. 20 percent of American adults procrastinate on a regular basis.
One reason why people put off important tasks is that they don’t have a good schedule. They throw themselves into their day, and they become distracted by menial tasks. This is a mistake you can avoid.
What are good scheduling tips? What should you do to prepare for the day? How should you rank tasks and incorporate breaks into your day?
Answer these questions and you can become a timely employee in no time. Here are seven essential tips for busy schedules.
Table of Contents
1. Perform a Time Audit
Before you make a schedule, you should examine how you are spending your time. Think about how much time each task takes you to perform. Look at your browser and file histories to determine the exact numbers of minutes and hours.
If something takes a lot of time, consider why that is the case. Think about measures that you can do to keep the time down. You may need to break the task up into individual components, or you may need to set reminders for yourself on what to do.
2. Make a Thorough Schedule
On any given day, you should get as many things done as possible. Put as many small tasks on your schedule and get them all done.
Many people create an hour-by-hour schedule. If you have a few big tasks you need to get done, this can be effective. If you have a lot of small tasks, try a half-hour-by-half-hour schedule.
Try to stick to it as much as possible. It’s okay if you run over into the next block by a couple of minutes. But wrap up your task quickly.
You should also stick to your start and end times. If you plan to stop at 5:00 p.m., you should stop at 5:00. Anything you don’t finish you can roll over into the next day.
3. Do Quick Things First
If you have tasks of different durations, you should try getting quick ones done in the morning. This will give you a sense of accomplishment as you get your day started. Doing these tasks will also clear your mind about important matters.
Send out emails and texts and make a few phone calls. File documents and organize ones on your computer.
4. Do Unpleasant Things Next
Many people procrastinate because they don’t want to do difficult tasks. If you want to keep to a tight schedule, you should get these tasks done as soon as possible.
Get the quick things done so you can clear your head for the difficult things. Give yourself plenty of time to get them done, then move on with your day.
It may be labor-intensive right at the start of your day. But accomplishing unpleasant things will help you feel accomplished. You will have the momentum to get everything else squared away.
5. Rank Your Tasks
Take a look at upcoming deadlines. If you need to get something done soon, that task should go toward the top of your schedule.
Think about which tasks are important to your job. It may be a requirement to get one thing done, while another thing may not be necessary. Put the necessary tasks up top.
Socialization can make or break your career. Meeting with clients and attending company events should be priorities. Place these events toward the top of your schedule.
6. Take a Break
You should always set aside time for lunch. Eat a full meal while doing something relaxing. You can talk with others, read a book, or watch the news.
Try setting aside a coffee break in the afternoon. Drink a beverage that will energize you and have a snack. This break can last five minutes, but you should take it anyway.
If you don’t take care of yourself, you will not be able to work. Whenever you feel the need to use the bathroom, go use it. Holding in urine can damage your bladder.
If you work long hours at a computer, rest your eyes every hour or so. Look away from your screen for at least twenty seconds. Adjust the brightness of your monitor so the light doesn’t make your eyes hurt.
While you are resting your eyes, get up and perform some stretches. Make sure to exercise your back and legs.
7. Get Expert Help
You are not able to do absolutely everything. Delegate tasks to your superordinates, especially if you have a lot of quick ones. They can send out emails while you work on reports and important documents.
If you’re confused about something, turn to an expert in your field. You can perform some research online, especially if you are in a crunch. But calling someone on the phone is a good way to connect to them.
Download tools that will help you work. CostCertified tools for contractors provide software to estimate costs for construction projects. Microsoft Office contains software for creating presentations, tracking expenses, and organizing documents.
Keep looking for other schedule organization tips. Talk to your supervisors about what they do to keep track of things.
Seven Essential Scheduling Tips
Scheduling tips are not complicated. Before you write a schedule out, conduct a time audit of your different tasks. Then establish time blocks for you to get as many things done as possible.
Get quick and simple things done first. Then move onto harder tasks. Try to rank everything else you need to do, meeting deadlines first and foremost.
Give yourself breaks, including for lunch. Delegate responsibilities and turn to others for work schedule tips.
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