It is very important to know how to get a good night’s sleep. In addition to find some functional products to have a good sleep, many of us still do not know that the correct sleeping position will help to overcome some common diseases during your sleep. In the article below, we will share the 7 sleeping positions that may help you out.
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1. If you have neck and shoulder pain
Shoulder pain is always a problem for many people. The shoulder joint is a part with a wide range of motion and flexibility, which has a close relationship with other parts. Specifically, the phenomenon of shoulder joint pain will prevent hand movement, affect daily activities, espescially affect your sleep. When you have pain on one shoulder, do the side-sleeping position on the other shoulder, while your legs are slightly bent and you can hug your pillow to your chest. Then, clamp the second pillow between the knees. If pain is in both shoulders, lie on your back and comfortably stretch your arms to the side.
If you have neck pain, use a rolled towel and place it right under the neck, to avoid the towel being dislocated when sleeping. You can also place the roll of towel inside the pillow.
2. If you have sinusitis
Usually, sinusitis occurs after a prolonged flu or severe allergic rhinitis. The most common sign of sinusitis many people experience is pain in the forehead or sore cheeks. Along with that, the patient also has a few symptoms such as: stuffy nose, reduced sense of smell, has a yellow-green, thick runny nose, nasal discharge down the throat,…
For people with sinusitis, pay special attention to your sleeping position as it can lessen or worsen your condition. According to doctors, people suffering from this disease should sleep with a high pillow position. If the pillow is low, the mucus from the nose will drain, making the sick person uncomfortable.
3. If you suffer from digestive problems
Peptic ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease, hemorrhoids, inflammatory colitis, digestive disorders are common digestive diseases that directly affect health and quality of life.
Experts recommend lying on the left side to help the digestive system function better. To increase the effectiveness, you can clamp an extra pillow between your legs while you sleep.
4. If you have heartburn
Heartburn is a condition in which stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation in the sternum and chest. This symptom usually comes from the smooth muscles of the esophagus, which then spread to the throat and behind the ears. You may experience a bitter or sour mouth after heartburn.
Heartburn often comes during sleep and get your sleep disrupted. Like people with digestive problems, lie on the left side to avoid these unwanted heartburn attacks.
5. If you have high blood pressure
High blood pressure is a chronic condition when the pressure from the blood on the artery walls increases. High blood pressure causes more pressure on the heart and is the cause of many serious cardiovascular complications such as stroke, heart failure, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, …
Research shows that tummy position helps lower overall blood pressure, improving high blood pressure is very common today. Therefore, if you are a man with high blood pressure, you can apply this sleeping style. For women, this posture can adversely affect the breasts.
6. If you have premenstrual pain
Premenstrual syndrome includes symptoms that occur around the second half of a woman’s menstrual cycle. The consequences cause a lot of physical, mental and emotional discomfort, affecting daily life.
Menstrual periods are often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as abdominal pain, back pain, chest pain, and several other symptoms. To reduce this situation, women should sleep on their backs and remember to put a small pillow under the knee to keep the spine from being bent too much.
7. If you have a headache
Headache is the most uncomfortable feeling of every person, there are many causes. These could be signs of an illness, possibly emotional disturbances, fatigue, and stress.
Similar to sinusitis, people who suffer from headaches should also pay attention to sleeping position. According to experts, when you sleep, you should lie on your back, place 2 small pillows blocking both sides of the head to avoid neck rotation during the night. Because if you accidentally turn your neck or turn a lot, the headache can get worse.
Hope these shares will help you find a way to have a good night’s sleep without any pain. Please always pay attention to your sleep to have good health and the best spirit!