When it comes to learning, you will be happy to know there are many free online learning resources to keep you educated. There is no reason why you need an Ivy League degree to be considered educated. You can easily take an online education that offers you the education you need for a fraction of the cost. In some cases, you can enjoy the education free of cost. To help you get started, we have listed down a few resources you can use to enjoy free online learning.
However, not all of the courses below are free. Many come with a very affordable price tag. You will find that they are only a tiny fraction of the cost of a traditional school or college.
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Founded by MIT and Harvard grads, edX is a global non-profit designed to remove three barriers that push you away from education. These barriers are location, access, and cost of education. With edX, more than 20 million students around the world take on 2400 courses from top-ranked universities. This open platform offers technologists and educators a chance to develop new educational tools.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy is a non-profit organization. They are dedicated to offering free, world-class education to anyone, no matter where they are located. The academy’s resources are free for teachers and learners, as they offer lessons for kids of various ages. They cover a wide range of topics, from grammar, math, history, science, SAT®, AP® exams, and much more. The founder of the khan academy, Sal Kahn, is one of the pioneers of online learning. He has been an inspiration to most of the programs found on this list.
With more than 150 university partners, Coursera has more than 35 million current learners. You can choose from over 2700 courses, 250 specializations, and 4 degrees. Along with a great selection of free courses, Coursera also offers a range of courses that cost between $29 to $99. In contrast, degree programs and specializations can cost a significantly higher price. Coursera’s selection of course instructors and material provided to students make it a great choice. Moreover, once you have cleared a course, you will be awarded a certificate for the course.
TED-Ed is an award-winning education and youth-oriented organization. They focus on sharing and spreading ideas that teachers and students can use to improve their performance. Its global network covers over 250’000 teachers serving millions of students and teachers around the world.
Udemy is a global education marketplace that offers 100’000 courses in 50 different languages to choose from. Its 42’000 instructors teach 30 million students around the world. They are offering 22 million minutes of video instructions that are available to every single student. Unlike other education platforms, Udemy focuses on offering content for colleges and universities. Encouraging teachers to create their courses and teach them online. There are a few free options available to start with, but you may be required to pay a little if you are looking for something more specific.
Codeacademy is an interactive platform that teaches coding in multiple programming languages. The free courses can be completed in 11 hours or less and offer you a great learning experience. Codeacademy has helped more than 45 million coders around the world. It has taught them various aspects of web development, computer science, programming, and data science. Their alumni currently work with top-rated corporations such as Facebook, Google, Bloomberg, and IBM.
Stanford Online
Rated as one of the leading Ivy schools in the USA, Stanford University offers a class like no other. With the help of Stanford online, they are now spreading education to every corner of the world and offering anyone with internet access a chance to achieve professional certificates, executive education, and advanced degrees. Under the Stanford Online umbrella, you can find courses covering undergraduate and graduate schools, including Stanford Business School, Stanford Law School, Stanford Medical School, and more.
Final Thoughts
The digital age has proven to be the best time in history to further your education. Whether your motives are to get a higher paying job or simply to better yourself, a program can meet your needs. Many of them at little or no cost. This means no excuses! Get out there and start learning today.