There is one week left before the salary, and the money is needed today. You couldn’t save for a rainy day, friends can’t help out. Is it worth taking a 600 dollar loan on Payday Loans USA Online and what you need to know about it?
First of all, decide whether your situation is really so critical that you need to borrow money to solve it.
Secondly, evaluate your capabilities: the money borrowed must be returned, and even with interest. Will you be able to repay the loan on time without much harm to the future budget?
So, you still need money, and you are thinking about a payday loan. This is a common and easy way to solve a temporary financial problem. It is only important to follow a few rules.
Table of Contents
I need a 600 dollar payday loan. Where to begin?
- Choose a lender
First you need to decide where to borrow. There are two most common options with their own characteristics: a bank or a private lender – a loan organization. If you have time to spare, a good credit history, and you can easily provide all the necessary documents, contact the bank. The bank will lend you money for a long time at an interest rate that will be noticeably less than with a loan from a payday loan organization.
If you do not have time or you are not sure that the bank will approve a loan for you due to bad credit history, and the amount you need is small and for a short time, you can contact a payday loan organization.
Payday loan companies were once created to support small businesses that cannot always rely on funding from banks. But among ordinary people, a payday loan service has also become in demand, so loan companies also issue consumer loans.
When you contact the loan company and they tell you about the terms of the loan, do not rush to immediately sign the contract. You have some time to consider the offer you have been made. You may want to borrow a larger amount, for instance a $700 payday loan, because you realize that the initial amount is not enough. The company provides such an option on the same terms.
- Rate the offer
Even if you need the money urgently, take your time and do not make hasty decisions: evaluate the offers.
So, the recommendations to get an instant payday loan on the best terms are:
- Estimate the interest rates, read the individual terms of the contract and the general terms (set by a loan organization).
- Carefully study the individual terms of the contract: they may contain conditions for additional services. They affect the amount you need to return.
- Check the total cost of the loan. The maximum overpayment in percentage per annum and in rubles must be indicated in the box in the upper right corner on the first page of the individual terms of the contract.
I took out a payday loan. What to remember?
Do not forget that a 600$ payday loan only works for you if you have taken it for a short period of time. The faster you pay it off, the less money you will have to pay from your budget.
Interest and penalty
If you took out a payday loan, the total amount of it will include all other payments: interest rate, fines, penalties, fees for additional services (for example, insurance).
The interest rate is usually around 30%, so in our case, the total amount from $600 loan will end up being 780$ plus interest, fines and penalties.
The penalty for delay on a payday loan also depends on the organization, but this point is also always spelled out in the contract.
Penalties (fines, penalties) may be charged only on the overdue part of the principal amount, but not on interest.
When you pay off the debt, do not forget to save the payment documents (check, receipt or cash receipt). Remember that the loan is considered repaid at the moment when the funds are received on the account or cash desk of the payday loan company. Ask the lender for a certificate stating that you have repaid the loan (part of the loan debt).