Back to School with necklace
It sounds like a cute term but I have learned that this is actually a crisis
what does back to School mean :
necklaces mean you know over the years we have heard of kids were wearing different bracelets denoting sexual tears we have heard that couple of years I even never heared of the term back to school neckless because this is warning parents beware grandparents and all concerned citizens Back to School necklaces it comes from urban dictionary another name for “noose’
When kids online : when kids online you know they have their own language and they use emojis to represent of different things we might think cute little apple is just an apple but to kids it has an entirely different meaning actually you can find this whole in dictionary alternate definitions of emojis mean if you go under news and events you will see this i want to get back to back see this I want to get back to back school necklaces because this is very disturbing
If your child talking about back to school necklaces you see something they have posted online take action and take action immediately it is not cute term it is not show any kind of weakness to seek help we live in an overwhelming environment so much happening in 2022