The poultry farming business is quite a lucrative one if done around the right way. However, if you plan to start a poultry farm, it is essential to note that you will be competing with other businesses out there. To emerge on top, you have to put your best foot forward and prepare adequately. Here are six invaluable tips for starting a successful poultry farm.
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1. Find Your Niche
Poultry farming is quite an expansive industry. However, the basic types of poultry farming are broilers and layers. Other alternatives in the business include poultry feed production, hatchery, and egg and meat processing.
That said, you need to make a tough decision. Do you want to venture into all the aspects or major in one or two? It would be best for starters to specialize in one or two sectors and probably consider expanding in the future. Besides choosing your niche, you need to select the type of bird you want to rear. Common birds include duck, goose, peacock, and domestic chicken.
2. Branding your Business
Like any other business, you need to brand your poultry business properly. Most importantly, choose a name that aligns perfectly with the company. For instance, if you specialize in a hatchery, you want a name that reflects that.
Besides the name, a business logo is essential. The logo will appear everywhere from your business website to the products as they go to the market. Therefore, it has to be eye-catching and meaningful.
3. Choose an Appropriate Location
The location plays a pivotal role in your business. Therefore, you need to pick a location that best suits your needs carefully. For instance, you might consider a more rural setting to have expansive space and cheaper labor. However, proximity to town is another consideration. Since you will most likely sell your products in urban areas, moving very far away might lead to high transport costs. You might also consider picking a location close to other facilities, such as supply stores.
4. Fund Your Plan
Similar to any other business, you will need adequate capital to get everything running smoothly. You need money to buy land, equipment such as incubators, heaters, and many more. Besides, you also need money to pay salaries to your staff.
In some cases, after analyzing your financial needs, you might realize that your savings are not enough. Luckily, there are other sources of income. For instance, you can apply for a loan from a bank or family and friends.
5. Hiring Staff
Although it’s easy to incorporate technology in poultry farming, you still need poultry workers—experienced ones, for that matter. You will need all sorts of workers at your farm, depending on the type of farming you are into. For instance, you need hatchery managers, maintenance technicians, and animal science specialists in a hatchery business.
You also need other general staff like clean-out crew, hygiene staff, general managers, and site supervisors. It would be best to hire experienced and result-oriented people for the best results. Notably, once you break the ground with these employees, you have to keep them motivated at all times. Ensure that you cultivate an excellent working culture at the farm where every employee feels valued. Most importantly, pay them fairly.
6. Market Your Business
All said and done; you need to make sales. Fortunately, the demand for poultry products goes higher by the day. All you need to do is strategically market your business. Make use of every opportunity you get to put the word about your business out there. You can start by telling your family and friends about it. Another excellent way of building your network in the poultry farming world is by attending relevant events.
Besides, take advantage of the internet by putting your business on the web. While you can share about the company on various social media platforms, it would be best to have a business website. On the website, share all relevant information. Most importantly, ensure that the website is user-friendly and easy to navigate.
While starting, you might not have a pool of cash for expensive advertising. Therefore, be creative and use the little at your disposal. While talking to potential clients, keep it professional. Above all, don’t compromise on quality, and you’ll see your business grow.
Eric Reyes is a passionate thought leader having been featured in 50 distinguished online and offline platforms. His passion and knowledge in Finance and Business made him a sought after contributor providing valuable insights to his readers. You can find him reading a book and discussing current events in his spare time.