Company swag. It may be something that people on the outside looking in see as cheesy, but it is also something that can have a lot of positive effects for the company that owns the swag.
As a company, it is important to be recognized and people be familiar with your work. To help in this regard, people remember 80% of what they see versus 20% of what they read and 10% of what they hear.
With that in mind, here are six reasons why your company needs branded swag.
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1. Brand Recognition
With the above stat in mind, having your company logo out on everyday objects such as pencils, hats, t-shirts, coffee mugs, hoodies, and more, will help people get more familiar with your company.
People have short memories, and more importantly short attention spans. The average human’s attention span is eight seconds, which is shorter than a goldfish’s (nine seconds). So, you need to have an edge that will get people to keep your company in mind when making purchasing decisions.
2. Brand Loyalty
These items are not free for customers to get and if they are wearing your branded merchandise, they are publicly telling other people that they support your company. When that happens, you can open up the door to people that never would have run into your company on their own just because they know someone who likes your product or service.
3. Employee Retention
Giving your employees company swag can let them know that they are appreciated and that you recognize the job that they are doing. Also, giving them swag might make them feel like part of a group, serving a bigger purpose than themselves.
If you get an employee feeling like that, they are more likely to speak positively of your company and would advertise the fact that they like working for you with your merchandise.
4. Extra Income
Company swag is an easy way to earn extra income for your company and sell it to your customers. To enhance this venture, consider leveraging a dedicated Employee Store platform, where your brand’s identity is uniquely showcased through personalized and on-demand swag, aligning with the latest advancements in corporate merchandise distribution. Most items you would use such as a hat or a t-shirt are very cheap to make, so it would cost little to produce these items.
Then, you can set up an online company store to sell these items, which you can read more about how to get started there on Axomo.
5. Client Gifts
Some clients may want to feel special, and one way you can do that is by thanking them for their business and giving them company swag on the house as your personal gift.
This kills two birds with one stone. It anchors the memory of your business with a client that you wish to do future business with and it makes the client feel appreciated that they are helping out your company and supporting you.
6. Word of Mouth
This ties into brand recognition because the purpose here is getting the word out about your company. But, this goes one step further than recognition, with people that are buying your gear openly telling other people that you have a product or service that is good enough to give their personal recognition of it out in the open. Cutelilkitty8 can be interesting.
Get Company Swag
With the above reasons, there is no excuse as to why you are not developing company swag as you read this. Recognize the benefits and if you do it right, you could see increased retention in the future.
For more related information, check out our Business section.