What a weird concept… an IT team for an auto shop? You’re probably thinking that those guys should stick to what they know best: computers.
If that’s the case, then there’s no better spot for IT services! Every single car on the road today has a built-in computer, though it looks very different than what we’re used to.
You can’t play games or watch Netflix on this computer, but it reads codes from all sorts of sensors within the vehicle. Cars are crazy complex, so read on to learn the six reasons why your auto shop would benefit from an IT team!
Table of Contents
1. 24/7/365 Support
While this level of dedication isn’t available from most Automotive IT Services, it’s the only way Panurgy knows how.
Knowing you have a managed IT team on call whenever you could possibly need them means that you now have the confidence to expand and grow your business.
2. Gain Fresh Perspective
An IT team can do a lot more for your business than just answer your questions. They can install kiosks and devices within your store to help gauge customer needs and satisfaction. They could send out email receipts with automatic customer satisfaction surveys.
The possibilities are endless, and a professional IT team will take the time to personalize your store for your needs.
3. Boost Your Website
Designing and curating a company website is probably the most well-known trait of an IT department. It’s so much more important than you probably think!
The writer of this Forbes article made an interesting point when they said that the vast majority of the customers who walked in your store today had already visited your website.
Are you pointing them in the right direction and offering guidance from the moment they click your page?
4. Understanding Networks
Remember how we said that all cars are just one really big computer? I don’t know if you’ve experienced it yourself, but my laptop at home has had a million different issues since I got it.
Cars are no different, and sometimes the non-mechanical issues are difficult to diagnose and harder to treat. That’s where your IT specialists come in! You no longer have to stress about teaching yourself electrical engineering in one weekend, let them do it!
5. Online Protection
Every single aspect of your business is probably being run virtually, from payouts to order summaries to tax coding.
Unless you’ve invested in an expensive firewall system, you’re at risk of sabotage from online pirates. Not in a cool way, either; in a “lose every cent your company has earned” way.
IT teams monitor your cybersecurity and aren’t just reactive when a problem occurs. They are proactive to make sure an attack never happens in the first place.
6. Backup Systems
At the end of the day, an IT company should be there for you as a security blanket in every single aspect of your business. Not only do they maintain security now, but they can retrieve your lost information if anything bad happens.
In the event of a loss, the IT service pays for itself in the amount of time that they save you during the recovery process.
Need an IT Team?
The answer is simple: yes. Your IT team is a crucial part of customer support, website analysis, and every impossible question that comes in at 2 am.
For more business tips and tricks, check out the other articles on our site!