A move for a child at any age can be a stressful time for them because of all the uncertainties that come with it. As a parent, it is important to be a good support system for them and give them the tools they need to adapt. Read on for 5 ways to help your child adjust to a move.
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Communicate Often
Make sure you tell your child about the move as soon as possible. This way they will have as much time as possible to adjust and mentally prepare. If you wait to tell them they can feel too rushed into it or retaliate at your for hiding it from them. When talking about the move with them, make sure you are looking at it from their perspective. Figure out what their biggest concern with moving is such as leaving their friends behind or having to attend a new school. Explain they will make new friends or schedule times where they can visit their old friends. Make sure to highlight the benefits of moving, such as having a bigger room in the new house, rather than letting them dwell on the negatives.
Keep Them Involved
One of the most stressful parts of this process for a child can be that they are getting uprooted and have no control over it. Explain to them the reason for the move and have them involved in as much of the process as they can be. If you are picking out things for the new house, ask for their opinion on what to get. This can get them more excited about moving into a new place and give them a sense of control.
Show Them Around
If possible, bring them to the new community before moving there. This will show them that it is more alike to where they are from than they are probably thinking. When visiting or after first moving, introduce them to their new teachers, coaches, and doctors. This can give them a better understanding of what to expect in their new home. You can find a doctor for them beforehand by searching ‘best pediatrician in Houston,’or searching what city you are moving to. This way you can schedule appointments to make sure your child’s health is okay throughout this time. You can also look at scheduling playdates before moving so they have friends before even living there.
Find a Routine
If they usually nap or go to sleep at the same time, try to stick to this as much as possible during and after the move. Having a completely different schedule is one other thing for them to have to adapt to. If you have weekly traditions as a family, make sure to incorporate this in your routine at your new place as well. Although this is a busy time and it is hard to stay organized, it will be an easier transition for your child if you can stick to as much of the same routine as possible.
Be Patient
Moving can be a shock to a child’s system, so make sure to be patient with them throughout this process. This is a hectic time and some rules may not always be followed, so make sure to give your child some slack as they are adjusting to their new home. This is also a hard time for you, so do not be afraid to ask for help from a sitter to give yourself time to adjust.
A move can be challenging, especially for a child who cannot not always understand the reasoning for a move or is very used to their old routine. Acting as a support system for them and helping them adjust can make this time much easier. Using these 5 ways to help your child get through the move will make this time much easier for the entire family.