Acupuncture is a type of Traditional Chinese Medicine that uses thin needles to target specific points on the body. It’s been around for thousands of years, and it’s used to treat a wide variety of health issues. Acupuncture has been proven to help relieve stress, boost your immune system, reduce pain, and more. If you’re curious about how it works, or if it can benefit your health—and specifically your physical ailments—here are five ways that acupuncture can help.
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It Can Relieve Stress
Acupuncture works by temporarily altering your nervous system. When you’re stressed, excess cortisol is released into your bloodstream. This can have negative side effects, such as suppressed immune function, a decrease in energy, and a higher risk of diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. After undergoing acupuncture treatment, your nervous system is temporarily re-calibrated. This allows your body to naturally produce less cortisol, and increase blood flow to your immune system. You can feel these benefits the next day, and they can last for weeks after. There are many different types of acupuncture, tailored to treat stress and anxiety in different ways. One type of acupuncture uses music as a stimulus while another uses smell.
It Boosts Your Immune System
One of the reasons acupuncture is so beneficial for relieving stress is because it boosts your immune system. When you’re stressed, your immune system is weakened. Over time, stress can damage your immune system, making you more susceptible to diseases. After undergoing acupuncture treatment, your nervous system is temporarily re-calibrated. This allows your body to naturally produce less cortisol, and increase blood flow to your immune system. You can feel these benefits the next day, and they can last for weeks after. There are many different types of acupuncture, tailored to treat stress and anxiety in different ways. One type of acupuncture uses music as a stimulus while another uses smell.
It Reduces Pain
Acupuncture is able to reduce pain by providing your nervous system with the necessary chemicals it needs to combat pain. When you’re in pain, nerves in your body become hypersensitive. They become overly sensitive to even the most minor of sensations, which can cause you pain. After undergoing acupuncture treatment, your nervous system is temporarily re-calibrated. This allows your body to naturally produce less cortisol, and increase blood flow to your nervous system. You can feel these benefits the next day, and they can last for weeks after. There are many different types of acupuncture, tailored to treat stress and anxiety in different ways. One type of acupuncture uses music as a stimulus while another uses smell.
It Improves Blood Circulation
One of the main reasons that acupuncture is so beneficial is because it improves blood circulation. When you’re in pain, your blood pressure is reduced. This means that nutrients, oxygen, and other components are not reaching your cells. After undergoing acupuncture treatment, your nervous system is temporarily re-calibrated. This allows your body to naturally produce less cortisol, and increase blood flow to your nervous system. You can feel these benefits the next day, and they can last for weeks after. There are many different types of acupuncture, tailored to treat stress and anxiety in different ways. One type of acupuncture uses music as a stimulus while another uses smell.
It Has Anti-Anxiety Benefits
Many people experience anxiety and even panic attacks. While they don’t pose a physical threat, they can be extremely difficult to deal with. After undergoing acupuncture treatment, your nervous system is temporarily re-calibrated. This allows your body to naturally produce less cortisol, and increase blood flow to your nervous system. You can feel these benefits the next day, and they can last for weeks after. There are many different types of acupuncture, tailored to treat stress and anxiety in different ways. One type of acupuncture uses music as a stimulus while another uses smell.
It Has Other Health Benefits Too
There are many other benefits of acupuncture, like how it can improve your digestion. When your intestines get too full of waste, your body produces a hormone calledIntralipase. This hormone actually blocks the release of toxins from your intestines, which can cause constipation. If you have constipation, it can cause you to feel bloated and uncomfortable. When your intestines are not overly blocked, you should be able to pass stool easily. This is not only healthier, but it’s also more comfortable.
Acupuncture isn’t just for stress anymore, it’s a holistic way to improve your health. From lowering your stress levels, to boosting your immune system, and improving blood circulation—there are many benefits to acupuncture. And, if you’re interested in giving it a try, make sure to consult with a doctor that specializes in acupuncture in Chicago. It isn’t for everyone, and you may need to start slow. From there, you can see how you feel and decide if it’s something you want to continue.