A debt consolidation loan is a loan that combines all your existing debts into one, where you only need to make one monthly repayment. For example, if you have different credit commitments and repayments that are difficult for you to pay back, they can all be combined into one loan to lower your monthly payments. With all the debts accumulated, you’ll be able to borrow enough money to pay it all off, offsetting your current credit commitments and owing to just one lender.
Two types of debt consolidation loans are available. Secured debt consolidation loan where the loan is tied to an asset, usually your home where it can be repossessed from you in case you fail to make your repayments. Any repayments missed might make you lose your home or whatever asset it is. An unsecured debt consolidation loan isn’t connected to any of your personal assets like your home or car.
Once you are sure which type of debt consolidation loan to go for, apply for a loan totalling the amount you owe in the different existing debts. If approved, use the loan to pay off the other debts. You’ll then be left with one loan that you can pay overtime. Here are 5 things to look for in a debt consolidation loan.
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Compare different rates
You must check the rate of your debt consolidation loan. Check out the different rates available to save money and make your debts more manageable. Take a look at the interest rates offered by different companies and the structure of the repayment plan. The best would be to pay an amount that is manageable even if it’s less each month.
Associations the company affiliates with
Debt companies that provide debt consolidation loans maintain a reputation by registering as members of relevant organisations and associations. These bodies regulate the debt industry and the debt consolidation company provides the best services. The affiliation of the company with reputable bodies shows trust and responsibility. Also, check the professional registration and ensure that the company is officially registered to operate. It should be approved by the relevant authorities to provide loans.
Take a look at online reviews and any other reviews from past clients. You will be able to find out about other people’s experiences and how they found the services and products provided by the loan provider by looking at the reviews. Also, consider looking at trusted third-party review sites. Alternatively, you can also use google search to review different sites belonging to companies that you feel might be prospective providers. Not all reviews might be genuine or 100% accurate but carefully look at these to see if there is a genuine grievance.
See if there are any warning signs
When looking into loan providers that can assist you with debt consolidation loans, it’s recommended that you check out for big warning signs. These might include your loan provider offering a deal or rate that sounds too good to be true or asking you to sign documents without giving you enough time to read the clauses.
See if there are any warning signs
When looking into loan providers that can assist you with debt consolidation loans, it’s recommended that you check out for big warning signs. These might include your loan provider offering a deal or rate that sounds too good to be true or asking you to sign documents without giving you enough time to read the clauses.
Your loan provider should instead be in a position to explain how the debt consolidation loan works, and the repayment terms and show an in-depth interest in your situation. If they can answer all your questions, then that’s a great start. They should be able to explain their loans in detail and ensure that you understand the repayment structure. Any sign that signals them trying to hide some information or claim that some information is not important, should be considered a warning sign.
Be patient
Take your time and get all the information that you need. Take a look at the possibilities, advantages and disadvantages. Once you are sure that the loan provider is the right one for you, get in touch with them and take back control of your finances.
A debt consolidation loan can make your debt easier to manage. It can also reduce the amount of monthly interest you pay if the rate is low or you get it at a good rate by having all your debt in one place. Find the best debt consolidation loans at Dallasnews.com and compare debt consolidation loans from a range of providers across the market. Simply settle on a company with a deal that suits your needs without harming your credit score, is transparent and can address all your complaints and queries, one that is fully regulated and authorised to provide their services and with positive reviews.