Have you noticed that your parking lot is looking a little worse for the wear recently? Is it possible that you’re shrugging off the parking lot maintenance chores? If so, then you need to learn all that you can about parking lot upkeep.
Doing so can pay off for your business in several ways. You’ll reap the rewards for your brand image, customer satisfaction, and so on. Proper parking lot cleaning is all about investing in the right tools for the job.
See below for an in-depth guide on parking lot maintenance and the benefits of learning how to maintain a parking lot.
Table of Contents
1. Positive Brand Image
Put yourself in a customer’s shoes, for a second. You need a specific service, so you type in a search on Google for local stores that you can go to.
Then, you drive to that store for the first time and pull up to find a parking lot with huge divots, weeds everywhere, and parking space lines that have faded. What would that parking lot tell you about the company?
Meanwhile, on the other end of the spectrum, if you pulled up to a parking lot that’s well-kept and void of any weeds or trash, it would leave a shining impression in your mind.
Your parking lot is a bigger piece to the outside aesthetic of your company than you might give it credit for.
By taking the time to fix any glaring issues and investing in new products to clean your parking lot the right way, you’ll be able to generate a positive brand image for your entire company.
2. Reduce the Risk of an Accident
Car accidents don’t just occur on the open road. In fact, many car insurance agencies will tell you that a good amount of them occur in parking lots.
While some are certainly circumstantial (such as two cars backing into each other), a large portion of car accidents in a parking lot is caused by the lot’s poor condition.
If the parking lot floods then a car might skid out and crash into your building, your customer’s cars, the light pole, and so on. If the parking lot lacks definitive parking lines, then someone might sideswipe the car in the space next to them.
Also, if the parking lot doesn’t have definitive parking spaces, then your clients will park wherever they so choose, which can create a more dangerous parking area. You can take back control by attempting to maintain the parking lot the right way.
Clean the gutters every so often. Stripe your parking lot either by hand or by reaching out to a paint striping contractor.
3. Less Liability for Your Business
Say your customer pulls into your parking lot, hits a massive pothole, and messes up the frame of their car from the high amount of contact. They’ll immediately point the finger at your company for not fixing the pothole your drive past each day.
That same pothole could also cause serious harm to a customer. If they are walking along and trip over the pothole or a crack in your lot, then you’ll be held responsible for the injury.
Maintaining your parking lot isn’t just about impressing anyone, it’s about protecting yourself and your customers from harm. The last thing you want is for someone to injure themselves due to your negligence on proper parking lot cleaning methods.
Fill in all the potholes and cracks you find. Try to eliminate areas where big puddles form after the rain. Do your best to clean the parking lot and get rid of any trash that your customers might slip on. You never know what could cause an injury/accident.
4. Keeps Your Business Looking Young
You’ve invested all this money into having a smooth and crisp-looking parking lot, why let that investment go to waste?
Too many people neglect their parking lots and, in so doing, seal the fate of their lot years down the line. The lot will start to show its age rather quickly, which will affect the look of your company’s building as well.
By prioritizing proper parking lot maintenance from the get-go, you can ensure the longevity of your lot down the line. It will age naturally and keep your company looking younger for longer.
Take the time every month to scan the parking lot for any potential fixes. Clean the trash from it every week. Get out in front of an issue before it turns into a surprisingly expensive repair.
5. Optimizes Your Lot
When done right, a parking lot will provide plenty of parking spaces for your customers (even on its busiest days) and a safe place for your customer to walk in and out of your building.
However, without proper parking lot upkeep, both of those things become compromised. The walkways become filled with cracks and potholes, the parking space lines fade and become hard to see, etc.
Do all that you can to ensure a safe experience for your customers and business partners from the moment that they step out of their car. Not only will it give them a great first impression, but it will also keep them safe from harm.
Prioritize Parking Lot Maintenance for Your Company
Now that you have seen several essential aspects of parking lot maintenance for your company and why it’s so important, it’s time to turn the beat around today.
Start taking back control of your lot by prioritizing parking lot maintenance. That way, you’ll keep your company grounds safe and appealing.
Be sure to browse our website for more articles on parking lot maintenance, as well as many other helpful topics that you will enjoy.