Adding an ATM to your store is a great way to draw in more business. Most places accept credit card purchases, but cash is accepted everywhere. You won’t ever have a failed transaction when you have cash in your pocket, and an ATM speaks convenience to customers.
If you’re looking for new ways to boost the revenue of your business, you should consider the benefits of adding an ATM. Here is a quick look at a few reasons why adding an ATM to your establishment will boost business.
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ATMs draw customers
If you’re considering adding an ATM to your establishment, consider how many times a simple ATM sign has brought you into a store. People need cash on hand for a number of reasons, and going to the bank isn’t always convenient.
Advertising that your store has an ATM will bring new customers into your store, even when they don’t necessarily plan on shopping with your business.
ATMs provide cash on hand
Once customers have withdrawn cash from the ATM, they are more likely to make a purchase in your store. Even a small purchase boosts revenue, and a bunch of small purchases makes quite an impact on your overall outlook.
The psychological aspects at work when people have loose cash in their hands will work to your benefit. Be sure to strategically place products and other marketing treats around the ATM to encourage users to spend.
Every transaction generates revenue
Adding an ATM to your store generates more revenue for your business, because you make a little bit of money on every transaction. Individuals may not choose to spend any of their newly acquired cash in your shop, but the transaction itself will draw a small profit.
There’s always a charge to rent an ATM for your location, so consider the contract wisely. You may be better off purchasing a machine for your store.
ATMs can be a marketing tool
Another excellent benefit you’ll reap from having an ATM installed in your business establishment is that it provides a platform for free marketing.
You can set up your ATM screen to offer special deals and bundles on products in the store, so people know just where to spend the cash they’ve just acquired.
An ATM can keep customers from leaving
The “save the day” effect of an ATM is also profitable for your business. When customers discover there’s a problem with their credit card, they may have more luck withdrawing money from your ATM.
Having an ATM handy could keep customers from leaving your establishment without making their purchase. Simply direct them to your in-house ATM, and the transaction can continue as planned.