Private security is a growth industry in the UK. This is not surprising when you consider that vandalism and theft account for nearly half of all crimes reported by the British Crime Survey.
Most UK businesses now find themselves in the position of having to hire private security. Difference a good security company made very large. It is important that you know how to choose a company that is unable to properly defend your property.
SIA Licensing
The first criterion first to go on your list should the Security Industry Authority and Licensing. They manage the licensing of private security industry in the United Kingdom.
You can use the SIA website to search their list of licensees, to report illegal activities, find a contractor approved and find out about private security standards. They are the first port of call when it comes to making sure the company you are considering on the board.
Projecting a Professional Image
The guards and other staff provided by the company you represent your safety while they are at your place. It is important they be neat, act decently towards your staff and clients, and act in a professional manner at all times.
The last thing you need is a business group of guards appeared more threatening than the criminals they protect you from.
Quick response
If your home is under threat, it is important that your security Nottingham company can immediately respond to a request.
Make sure the company you hire is able to respond 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Do not consider this to be the case. Require a written guarantee in your contract with the company that you choose.
security assessment
your security company must assess the appropriate security and tailor solutions to meet the specific needs of your business. The following needs to be taken into account …
kind of place
number of floors
number of occupants
The nature of the location
Special insurance requirements
security log
fire safety procedures
Alarms, cameras and entry control systems
emergency contact numbers
A good security company will assess everything in their initial report, and can even provide recommendations on where the weaknesses found. For example, police can refuse to respond to an alarm if your system does not meet their standards (to reduce the time wasted due to a false alarm).
A private security company will help to maintain good relations with the local police. They will ensure your equipment complied with the standards of the National Police, and greatly reduces the risk of false calls (police response withdrawn if the business generates three false calls in a period of 12 months).
More importantly, if your business requires a security guard, a good company will ensure they meet your company’s specific needs. This is especially important if your guards tend to interact with the staff and / or community.