Getting your driver’s license can be an exciting point in your life, giving you freedom that you didn’t have before. However, you need to treat a driver’s license more like a privilege than a right.
Without being careful, your driving privileges could end up being revoked. Check these ways you could have your driver’s license suspended.
If you get caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you’ll get a DUI charge. This charge can be pretty serious, given that you might have to serve months or years in prison.
DUI charges usually also come with getting your driver’s license suspended. This means that you might have to rely on public transit or someone driving you around if you get hit with a DUI charge. Make sure you don’t drive under the influence if you don’t want your driver’s license taken away from you.
Child Support
Sometimes, you could get hit with a driving-related punishment even though the charge had nothing to do with you driving. This can be the case if you’re someone who hasn’t been paying their fair share of child support.
In some states like Washington, you can have your driver’s license suspended until you catch up on your child support payments. This can hurt a lot, especially if you’re someone who uses their car to make money for child support. Ensure that you keep up with child support so you don’t end up with your driver’s license being suspended.
Depending on what you get charged with, you might totally forget that you have a court date coming up. It’s a very bad idea for you to miss out on court, as you can end up getting charged or having a warrant for your arrest if you don’t show up to court.
You can also get hit with your driver’s license being suspended, giving you more charges when you get pulled over and found that you’re driving illegally. Make sure you keep up with your court dates if you don’t want to get your driver’s license suspended.
Lastly, you’re going to have to think about smaller traffic offenses you might be making. These types of offenses include not using your turn signal, going over the speed limit, running a red light, and more.
You need to be thinking about all of these offenses, as small traffic offenses add up on your driver’s license in what are called points. These points give you certain criteria, in which, your driver’s license can be suspended if you have too many points in a small amount of time.
Depending on the state, you might be able to get your points taken away quicker. You can typically do this by getting a lawyer and fighting against a ticket you might have gotten or just paying that ticket off altogether. You’re going to want to make sure that you’re fully following driving laws if you don’t want to rack up points and have your driver’s license taken away from you temporarily.