Many people love cannabis but hate the lingering smell associated with smoking cannabis products. If you don’t mind the smell, you may decide to pursue other forms of cannabis consumption because you don’t have access to an outdoor space that allows smoking. Smoke odors tend to linger indoors long after the smoke has dissipated. Thankfully, there are a few alternative methods of using cannabis that doesn’t create a smell. Like any cannabis product, be sure to consult your doctor before trying CBD, THC, or a similar scent-friendly option. to avoid potential side effects or interactions.
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1. Try eating edibles.
One of the best ways to use cannabis without the risk of lingering odors is by ingesting it in the form of edibles. Edibles exist in various forms. A few different edibles you may find in a dispensary include THC gummies, brownies, CBD gummies, and imitations of popular non-cannabis food items like Nerds ropes and Rice Krispies treats There are many cannabis edibles on the market, with various potencies with natural flavors from strawberry to green apple, but a few forms are more popular than others.
For example, gummies are often a popular choice because they are legal in nearly every state. However, for those looking to use the cannabinoid THC rather than CBD, your best bet is likely Delta 8 Gummies. Many people find this type of cannabis to be highly effective. In addition, it is legal in nearly every state, making it common for Delta 8 THC gummies (along with other Delta-8 products) to sell out in popular retailers like Delta North.
2. Use a smoke odor eliminator.
If you prefer to smoke but need to be mindful of the smell, consider purchasing a smoke odor eliminator spray. Using aerosol refreshers like Febreeze or Lysol only mask the smell, covering it up with another odor, like fruity scents of pineapple or black raspberry. This technique can lead to a strange mixture of fresh cotton and marijuana smell lingering in the air. Fortunately, smoke odor eliminator sprays work differently.
Smell Veil, for instance, breaks down smoke odors on a molecular level, so you can be sure the smell is terminated, not just covered up temporarily. Molecule elimination may sound suspiciously detrimental to the environment, but rest assured! While products from other retailers may vary, Smell Veil’s specific smoke odor eliminator sprays are eco-friendly and non-toxic.
3. Add a tincture or oil to your beverage.
Many people utilize tinctures or oils for smell-free cannabis uk usage. These forms of CBD, THC, or hemp are typically found in bottles with droppers, so you can add a few drops to any beverage you prefer. There are some tinctures on the market infused with peppermint oil or lemon so that you can sweeten the deal with an extra touch of flavor.
Tinctures come in many different forms, so it is best to read the product descriptions, labels, and reviews before consuming any to ensure you have the correct dosage. CBD and THC content varies in nearly every type of consumable form. Doing your research before consuming any cannabis plant product for the first time is a good idea.
4. Use a muscle rub or lotion infused with CBD or THC.
In many cases, people use CBD and THC products to help alleviate discomfort. If this sounds like you, consider seeking out muscle rubs or lotions infused with THC or CBD. These can be applied directly to affected areas and often have soothing scents associated with them for a more relaxing and immersive experience.
However, these scents are similar to non-cannabis lotions and rubs. Therefore, they will not be akin to the smoke odors you are trying to avoid. Since many edibles take the form of sweets, people lacking a sweet tooth may benefit more greatly from this route of cannabis consumption.
Whether you’re looking to ditch the smell because your apartment doesn’t allow smoking or are just plain tired of kush being your cologne, the above alternative methods can help. CBD flower or marijuana smoke can irritate some, even though they don’t have the same foul odor as cigarette smoke. Switching to edibles like gummies, tinctures, or rubs is also an excellent way to be mindful of those who share your home and are sensitive to smoke.