If you pay attention to the news, social media, or conversations in public, you’ve probably realized that people spend a lot of their time being upset. If you allow yourself to be, getting offended is as easy and natural as breathing. However, unlike breathing, being upset all the time isn’t good for us.
As such, it’s important to practice emotional regulation. Whether you’re dealing with a difficult co-worker, a turbulent relationship, or something you don’t like in the news, emotional management is a valuable skill.
It can help you successfully navigate arguments and other interpersonal conflicts. Just as importantly, learning how to manage emotions offers you a happier, less stressful life.
Keep reading for four ways to improve your emotional regulation.
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1. Don’t React Immediately
Many of us have a terrible habit of immediately reacting to news, events, or seemingly negative situations. However, this often leads to misunderstandings and exacerbated experiences.
If you feel yourself getting emotionally worked up, take a step back and ask yourself why. Evaluate the situation to determine if it calls for an extreme emotional reaction.
2. Practice Reframing Your Thoughts
One of the best emotional regulation tips is to learn how to reframe thoughts in your mind. The first step of this is listed above – reflecting on an issue before reacting to it.
Then, reframe your thoughts surrounding the situation by asking yourself:
- Am I reading into things?
- Is there a logical, innocent reason behind this?
- Am I getting the full story?
- Is there something going on in this person’s life that could be causing them to act this way?
- What am I doing that could have contributed to this misunderstanding?
By reframing your thoughts as such, you can reduce your contribution to negative experiences while learning how to manage emotions effectively.
3. Consider Taking Supplements
Sometimes, people need help to regulate emotions. We live in a society full of foods loaded with chemicals, medications loaded with synthetic materials, and an atmosphere loaded with pollutants. Naturally, our internal hormones and chemicals can be thrown out of balance.
In this case, emotional regulation can be increased by taking the proper supplements. Click here to learn more about your options.
4. Understand the Ways in Which You Might Be Making the Problem Worse
Finally, learn more about your personality to understand why you experience certain emotions. For example, if you’re a generally loving and caring person who’s sensitive to the needs and emotions of others, it might make you more easily triggered or offended.
Don’t take this as a weakness, as we must accept the negative aspects of our personalities along with the positives. Your emotional sensitivity might make you take things personally when you don’t need to, but it also makes you a more compassionate human being.
This is also true of people who have type-A personalities. They may get frustrated or irritated with people more quickly during group projects. They might have a harder time with patience and compassion.
Understanding these dynamics of your personality can help with emotional management.
Do You Need More Practice With Emotional Regulation?
If you struggle with emotional regulation, practice the four tips listed above to make improvements. Effectively managing your emotions can help you in your personal and professional life. And note, we said managing your emotions, not hiding your emotions.
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