More and more barriers that previously separated the people of the world are being broken down thanks to the advancement of technology. We are able to travel to more places faster with the help of more advanced forms of transportation, engage in long-distance conversations easily using apps, and spread our works to the entire world by hitting the upload button.
It’s remarkable to see how connected we’ve all become.
Still, there are some obstacles that remain in the way and among them are language barriers. The good news is that even language barriers can be overcome with the help of translation services.
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Why Do People Use Professional Translation Services?
Picture this scenario for a moment: Your latest business venture is a big hit in your home country and your specialties are selling hotcakes. It’s getting to the point where your offerings are starting to garner international attention and you think that now is a prime opportunity for you to expand your business.
The only problem is that the people in other countries may not be able to fully understand what you’re selling. Their experience with the English language may allow them to gain a general idea of what you’re offering but they may not find it very intriguing. That’s happening because the appeal of your product is getting lost due to the language barrier.
Translation services do more than just convert plain text on a page from one language into another. As noted by Direct Knowledge, translation services also take the context of your writing into consideration when they perform the translations. By doing so, the nuances of your writing that may be impossible to pick up if someone or something was just performing a word-by-word translation can still be conveyed to your new readers.
You can count on translators being able to convert your works accurately because they take into consideration the culture of your country. Professional translators are also excellent writers who can clearly convey the story you’re trying to tell or the information you want to share.
What Are the Most Common Documents Translators Work On?
Professional translators are capable of working on all kinds of documents for their clients. We’ve listed a few notable examples below.
Technical Documents
Among the most common documents translators work on are of the technical variety. You’ll often see translators working on training manuals, user guides, and instruction booklets. They may also be called upon to help translate a company training video.
Translating a training manual typically does not require translators to pick on nuanced wording but they may be required to possess some technical knowledge related to the documents.
Marketing Documents
While browsing online, you’ve probably stumbled upon a few humorous images showing poorly translated advertisements. Maybe it’s a poster advertising a sale that features a poor choice of words or an ad that is using a common phrase incorrectly.
It’s often said that all publicity is good publicity but you probably don’t want your brand being associated with mistranslated ads on the internet.
By hiring professional translation services, you can avoid that kind of embarrassment and ensure that your ads are capturing the attention of potential buyers for all the right reasons.
Website Content
Professional translators can also work on digital content. As noted in the example earlier, translating the content available on your website can help make the products you’re selling more appealing to people in other parts of the world.
Previously, translating your web content for an international audience may have seemed like a waste of time and money, but that’s changed since international shipping is now a thing. On top of that, a website that is expertly translated into different languages also gives the impression of being more professional.
Legal Documents
If you’re moving to a new country, you may want to look into having some of your personal documents professionally translated. Documents such as your birth certificate and marriage certificate can be handled by translators.
For those looking to start a new business in a new country, it’s important to note that contracts can also be translated.
The Bible is the book that has been translated into the most languages. According to, the Bible has been translated into 3,312 languages so far.
As for non-religious books, “Pinocchio” is the most translated work. The children’s book written by Carlo Collodi has been translated into well over 300 languages to date. “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint Exupéry has also been translated into nearly 300 different languages.
Your own literary masterpiece could be translated into different languages by the professionals.
The Available Options for Translating Documents
You have several options to consider if you want a document translated.
Google Translate is probably the best known option available today but bilingual individuals know that its results are not always perfect. Deepl Translator works better as a quick translator but it is limited by the amount of languages, a total of 9 presently, that it can convert.
If you want your thoughts properly conveyed and the final documents to be mistake-free, your best bet is to work with a top provider of language translation services. Professional agencies such as the Etcetera Language Group employ numerous translators who will work meticulously on your files to ensure that they are translated as clearly as possible with all the nuances still intact.
Settling for shoddy translation can lead to poor sales, misinformed customers, and possibly even legal headaches down the line. Avoid those unnecessary problems by finding a professional translation service to work with.