The MBA is one of the most prestigious degrees you can hold. People with MBAs can command huge salaries, and immense responsibilities as they lead their companies through the challenges of the 21st century. Because of this, university business programs are often competitive, requiring that applicants demonstrate great ability to be selected.
Fortunately, a lot of the skills that application boards are looking for are the very skills that you develop in high school. This can work for you if you’re attending an online high school, where you’re required to develop a much more active relationship with your studies, and are personally responsible for your academic success.
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Businesses Live on Numbers
Mathematics is essential to be able to create an accurate picture of how your business is doing, and how it’s likely to perform in the future. Monitoring business forecasts, managing supply chains, ordering from suppliers, all of these require math skills. More immediately, a solid performance in key mathematics prerequisite courses are common gatekeepers to admission to best business schools for undergrads. This can be worrying to a lot of students, who often struggle with mathematics in a traditional learning environment.
Fortunately, alternative learning strategies come into play with online learning that make mathematics more accessible. Being able to take MCR3U online for instance offers students the ability to move at their own pace, reviewing lessons as required until they arrive at mastery of the concepts. They aren’t at risk of being left behind as the class moves on.
Work Smart, Not Hard
Both in business, and in university, you’re going to be expected to be able to manage your time. Using your day effectively is key to studying productively, and a physical school environment doesn’t always train these skills. A lot of the time when students are bound by a traditional 8 – 3 school day, they’re not given the opportunity to set their own schedules.
This is not how they’re going to study in university. Fortunately, online learning introduces students to responsibility for their own schedules. They have the freedom to fit their learning into their own schedules, and experiment with different learning approaches to make the most of their time. This is essential as the volume of work in business school can quickly become overwhelming if you’re not able to tackle it effectively and efficiently.
Use the Network
One of the single most important skills you can pick up to benefit your career path is networking. Many universities offer seminars and training on this often-overlooked aspect of work. Things like establishing a quick “elevator pitch” for yourself or your business can help immensely as you enter the workforce. Having peers in different offices and departments of your company can help you keep abreast of developments and changes.
Having contacts outside your workplace can make job hunts significantly easier, remember that many high-level job postings may not be posted externally, relying on word of mouth to attract qualified attendees.
High quality online learning programs have networking baked in. You’ll be assessed in group assignments where you are given a crash course in working and connecting with your peers. These skills developed in an online high school set you up well to make the necessary connections at business school to drive you forwards to the next stage of your career!